May 3 is Paranormal Day. (Source: Brownielocks
How could we pass up an opportunity to celebrate that? (Clearly, we couldn’t.)
Come Party with Us
We cordially invite you to come experience Paranormal Day with us.
We don’t know what might be in store. We’re going to host our first ever linkup and see what happens.
What’s a Linkup?
A linkup is where other writers and bloggers can share their links in one central location, usually revolving around a theme of some sort.
In this case, the location is obviously here at Haunt Jaunts and the theme is of course anything having to do with the paranormal.
Mix & Mingle
The fun of a linkup is it gives readers and bloggers a chance to mingle in a new way.
Readers can discover new blogs.
Bloggers can meet new readers.
We don’t know who might show up, what they might “bring” (ie. posts they might share), and that’s going to be a lot of the fun on May 3.
“I want in! What do I have to do?”
Well, that depends on what kind of guest you’re going to be: reader or blogger? (You can also be both. In fact, if you’re a blogger, you’ll be required to also be a reader. More on that below.)
- Readers: Show up here on May 3. See the graphic at the top of our post? It’ll also be on our sidebar. It’ll link back to this post. Scroll down to the bottom. You’ll see all the blogs that have signed up to participate. Visit them to see what they’ve shared. Or, if you follow us on Twitter or Facebook, keep an eye on our Tweets and posts. We’ll share their links there too.
- Bloggers: We have a detailed section below with specifics on how to linkup your blog for the Paranormal Day Party, and what you’ll need to do to participate.
For Bloggers: B.Y.O.P. (Bring Your Own Posts)
Here’s all the info you’ll need to participate in our Paranormal Day Party linkup.
Pre-Party Prep
- Blogs from any genre or niche welcome, from paranormal and travel to author, family, entertainment or anything in between. We simply ask that your post on May 3 must somehow relate to the paranormal. (We’ve included some topic ideas below.)
- Grab a badge (or two) from below and post it (them) on your sidebar and/or in your Paranormal Day post.
- Add your blog to the Guest List. (Very last section of this post.)
- Spread the word you’ll be attending to help hype up the event. Write a post, share the news in your social networks, invite anyone else you think might like to attend, etc. Use #ParaDayParT.
On the Day of the Party
- Publish your post. Make sure it includes either a Paranormal Day Party badge or a link back to this post.
- Share your post in your social networks. (Remember to use #ParaDayParT.)
- Come back to this post, visit at least two of the other sites on the Guest List, and leave comments on the two posts you read. (This step is crucial. It’s how we make the party a success!)
Important Info
- If you feel inspired, you can write more than one post. Just be sure they both deal with something paranormal and include the Paranormal Day Party badge and/or link back.
- We will be visiting all blogs that have signed up below on May 3. If we do not see a link back and/or a party badge displayed, we will remove your blog form the Guest List.
Grab Your Party Badge
Simply copy & paste one or both of these and display in your May 3 Paranormal Day Party post and/or on your sidebar.
(Yes, they look similar, but one shows that you’re a party goer and the other doesn’t. It’s up to you which you prefer.)

Topic Idea List
We’re hoping to get blogs of all shapes, sizes and varieties to join us for the Paranormal Day Party, which means some may not specialize in the paranormal.
If that’s you and you’d like to participate, but you’re wondering what you can write about, here are some suggestions:
- A haunted place you’d like to visit.
- A haunted place you’d never dare visit.
- The most popular haunted place or ghost story from where you live or grew up.
- Interview or profile an author of a paranormal book. (Be it fiction or non-fiction.)
- If you’re an author of a fiction or non-fiction book or books, great day to write a post (or two) telling us about your work!
- Favorite (or least favorite) paranormal entity. (ie. ghost, demon, vampire, Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, etc.)
- Book review.
- Movie review.
- Host a giveaway.
Want to Know About Future Linkups?
Guest List
This is where bloggers signup. It’s simple. Just click on the “Click here to enter” text below. You’ll be taken to a screen to input your site’s name and website link.
Courtney Mroch is a globe-trotting restless spirit who’s both possessed by wanderlust and the spirit of adventure, and obsessed with true crime, horror, the paranormal, and weird days. Perhaps it has something to do with her genes? She is related to occult royalty, after all. Marie Laveau, the famous Voodoo practitioner of New Orleans, is one of her ancestors. (Yes, really! As explained here.) That could also explain her infatuation with skeletons.
Speaking of mystical, to learn how Courtney channeled her battle with cancer to conjure up this site, check out HJ’s Origin Story.
If I have a post already published, but used on another blog sharing “contest,” could I make the same story into new post for this party? Or, do the works need to be first pub’d here?
Hey John! Yes that would work! Doesn’t need to be first pub’d for here. Only needs to have a linkback as specified above. Would love to have you join us!
Hi Courtney….I put the word out today. Just so I remember to post on Tuesday 🙂 ….Take care. Lon
I hope I read right to put the link here, so;
Hey fellow paranormal peeps! I have written a blog about my favorite haunted spots in literature – here –
Mine is here:
HauntJaunts #ParaDayParT:
HauntJaunts #ParaDayParT:
Thanks so much, everybody! Lon, finally saw your comment. Nathan, gotcha. Same with you, Pamela. Should’ve left the guest list open throughout today. Didn’t think hard enough on that one. Then people could’ve just left their links! Oh well. What’s a HJ party without a hiccup or two? BORING! Lesson Learned for next time.