The 13 Tales of Terror Pick a Chapter Contest

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For the entertainment portion of our Halloween 2016 festivities, we’d like to treat you to a reading from our anthology, Shadow People and Cursed Objects: 13 Tales of Terror Based on True Stories…or are they?.

And by “we,” we do mean Skellie (our spokes-skeleton pictured above) and our Ambassador of Dark & Paranormal Tourism, Courtney Mroch, who will be all dressed up in her ghostly best.

Oh, and did we mention we’re going to do this on Facebook Live? Yeah, so there’s no telling how wonky this might get. (Because we always have glitches…Boy, do we know about glitches!)

But don’t worry. If you’re not able to tune in for the live broadcast, we’ll be sure to still post it to the feed for you to see. Warts and all.

Of course, this being Haunt Jaunts and the season of trick or treating, we have to make a contest out of all of this. Which means there will be prize(s), but that requires a little trickery on your part. (“Trickery” as in “effort.”)

The Contest

It’s pretty easy.

You pick one of the 13 titles (we’ve listed them below) from our Shadow People and Cursed Objects (SPACO) anthology that you’d like to hear us read a portion of.

The title with the most votes wins. (Or perhaps ones, if there’s either a tie or a close race between 1st, 2nd, and maybe even 3rd.)

Your vote will automatically enter your name into a drawing to win a prize pack. (See the Prizes section below for what’s in it.)

We’ll draw winning name(s) after the reading.

How to Enter

Pick one of the following 13 titles and enter it in the comments below:

  1. The Busby Chair
  2. The Storm on Promise Land Road
  3. Bye, Bye, Blackbird
  4. The Gypsy’s Curse
  5. The Black Flowers
  6. The South Will Rise Again
  7. Lady Winters’ Mirror
  8. Doomsday, Every Night At five
  9. Fatty and the Nothing Man
  10. Murder for Dummies
  11. Pedro
  12. The Mannequin in the Middle of the Road
  13. Comeuppance
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Your picking participation will be rewarded. For every reading we do, we’ll pick a winner to receive the following prize pack:

  • A complimentary copy of SPACO (your choice of Kindle or paperback)
  • A $10 Amazon gift card
  • A Haunt Jaunts pen

Note: Newsletter subscribers, a.k.a. VIJs, who opted to receive a complimentary copy of Shadow People and Cursed Objects when it was first released have the chance to win a $20 Amazon gift card.

(Not a subscriber but want to be a VIJ so next time we release a book or do a subscriber-only giveaway you don’t miss out? Click here to sign up.)

Encourage your friends to vote too because the more readings, the more drawings, and the more chances for you to win!

  • Entries will be accepted until October 30, 2016 11:59 p.m. Central.
  • The reading(s) and drawing(s) will take place starting at 1 p.m. Central on Monday October 31, 2016.
  • You do not need to be present during the live reading and drawing to win.
  • The authors CAN vote for their own stories. (To make it more fun.)



  1. I’d like to hear number 2. The Storm on Promise Land Road !!!

  2. The Gypsy’s Curse

  3. Can I vote for myself? Is it legal? #3. Bye, Bye, Blackbird.
    (Please don’t enter me into the prize winners contest)

  4. Author

    Entering for Sheila Ziemann-Haley from FB:
    “I would like to hear title #12”

  5. Author

    HI Emerian!! Oh yes how fun! TOTALLY legal! Vote noted! THANK YOU!!!!

  6. #3 Bye Bye Blackbird

  7. Number THREEEEEEEEEE, Bye, Bye , Blackbird!

  8. Bye, Bye Blackbird!

  9. I vote for Bye, Bye Blackbird

  10. #3 Bye, Bye, Blackbird, please!

  11. Lose a ha’penny to find a tuppence.
    Read thirteen, title of “Comeuppance.”

  12. I pick

    5. The Black Flowers

  13. The Black Flowers!

  14. Bye Bye Blackbird sounds interesting.

  15. #6 Please … The South Will Rise Again … This sounds fun to do . Good luck with your Halloween reading .

  16. I vote Bye Bye Blackbird.

  17. #5 ‘The Black Flowers’ is my choice.

  18. Bye bye blackbird

  19. Bye, Bye, Blackbird please!

  20. I’d likecto vorecfor ‘The black flowers’

  21. The Black Flowers

  22. Lady Winter’s Mirror please!

  23. #3 bye,bye blackbird

  24. “The Gypsy’s Curse” please!

  25. Bye Bye Blackbird

  26. I vote for #3 Bye,Bye,Blackbird!

  27. I would love to hear # 3 . Bye, bye, blackbird please.

  28. I would love to hear #10 Murder for Dummies please.

  29. Please can I hear #10 Murder for Dummies.

  30. I would like to hear number 10 Murder for Dummies.

  31. Murder for Dummies

  32. Number 10 – Murder for Dummies

  33. Murder for Dummies please

  34. Please read ‘Murder for Dummies’. Thank you.

  35. I would like to cast my vote for #3, Bye Bye Blackbird!

  36. Number 10 – Murder for dummies please

  37. The Black Flowers

  38. Murder for Dummies please read

  39. Murder for Dummies please

  40. Murder for Dummies

  41. Murder for Dummies

  42. Murder for Dummies please!!

  43. Murder for Dummies

  44. Murder for Dummies

  45. Murder for Dummies please

  46. Murder for dummies

  47. Murder for Dummies!!!

  48. #3 Bye Bye Blackbird

  49. Bye, bye blackbird

  50. Murder for

  51. Bye Bye Blackbird!

  52. Murder For Dummies please 🙂

  53. Murder for dummies

  54. Murder for Dummies

  55. Murder for Dummies

  56. Bye, Bye, Blackbird

  57. Murder for Dummies

  58. Murder for Dummies

  59. The Black Flowers

  60. Murder for Dummies

  61. Murder for Dummies

  62. Murder for dummies

  63. I would like to hear Murder for Dummies

  64. Murder for Dummues

  65. Murder for dummies

  66. Murder for dummies

  67. Murder for dummies please.

  68. i vote bye bye blackbird 🙂

  69. Murder for dummies

  70. Murder for dummies

  71. Murder for Dummies

  72. I think No. 10, Murder for Dummies would be best

  73. Murder for dummies

  74. Murder for Dummies 🙂

  75. Murder for dummies

  76. Author

    Entering on Behalf of Helen Lucy Wray from FB:

    Murder for Dummies please! ?????

  77. Author

    Entering on behalf of Tory Craig from FB:

    Murder for dummies!

  78. Author

    Entering on behalf of Jim Herbert from FB:

    Murder for Dummies

  79. Murder for dummies

  80. Bye, Bye, Blackbird!

  81. #3 Bye, Bye, Blackbird

  82. #3 Bye Bye Blackbird! (I hope it’s not too late to vote!)

  83. Author

    You were well within the time frame for voting, Karysa! Thanks so much for casting your ballot!

  84. Author

    Thank you so much to all who voted! The results are in:

    Murder for Dummies: 44
    Bye, Bye, Blackbird: 25
    The Black Flowers: 8
    The Gypsy’s Curse: 2
    Storm on Promised Land Road, Lady Winters’ Mirror, The South Will Rise Again, The Mannequin in the Middle of the Road and Comeuppance each had 1 vote a piece.

    Voting is now closed!

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