13 Offbeat Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas

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I know Valentine’s Day makes some people sick. Singles hate it for obvious reasons. But there’s even those of us in committed relationships who feel like we’re fixing to OD on all the sentimental sappiness prevalent at this time of year.

And then there’s those of us who don’t exactly go in for all the symbolic mainstream Valentine’s Day gift gestures. Chocolate, flowers, and wine are fine, but some of us gravitate towards the offbeat, macabre, and unusual.

Like me. I like the romance of vintage Victorian as well as newfangled funny things.

Below are 13 of my favorite gift ideas. I’d be happy if Wayne gave me any. Maybe they might enchant you and/or your Valentine if you share my macabre and unusual sensibilities?

1. Lost Lore: A celebration of traditonal wisdom – Haunt Jaunts Emporium, $16.47

If the love of your life delights in gathering unusual knowledge, they might love receiving a book such as this one. It’s packed full of “amusing anecdotes and historical extracts which illuminate the beliefs and knowledge of our ancestors.”

2. Rock Bat – Signals, $19.95

Nothing tells the one you love your batty for them better then, well…a bat! This one would delight eco-friendly garden lovers. The iron wrapped around the rock is recycled. And we all know how good bats are for the environment. (Even not real ones. They’re a good reminder of how precious those little winged creatures are to the ecosystem.)

3. Cheese to My Macaroni Plaque – Signals, $24.95

Signals really calls it  the “You are…Plaque” but I think of it as the “Cheese to My Macaroni Plaque” because that’s how it starts off and I think that’s so awesome. Especially because it’s the rare week that goes by that I don’t eat mac and cheese. I love it! If I could marry it…poor Wayne. That’s about the only competition for my heart he has in life.

4. Meditating Gargoyle – Signals, $29.95

Show the goyle in your life how much you love her by giving her this little guardian to watch over her. Truly, it is. There’s a Chinese character for “Guardian” etched on its back and everything.

5. Burnie the Dragon – Potpourri, $29.95

Nothing says I love you more than a wing flapping, head swaying, mouth lighting up with red “flames” dragon singing “Burning Love.”

6. For Love So Sweet Poesy Ring – What on Earth, $29.98

Francophiles will swoon over this ring. Its inscribed with old French “Pour amour say douc” (For love so sweet) and is set with a heart-shaped cubic zirconia.

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7. Sterling Silver Marcasite and Garnet Colored Heart Pendant – Amazon.com, $39.00

Heart necklaces are a dime a dozen, especially this time of year. This isn’t your typical heart necklace. That’s why I liked it. It’s got personality, and, dare I say…heart!

8. Scrying Necklace– Gaelsong, $56.00

Both light and dark are represented. One side is black onyx, the other mother-of-pearl. A gorgeous gift that imparts balance to the one its bestowed upon.

9. Smoky Quartz Love Ring – Catalog Favorites, $59.95

Smoky quartz is rumored to be a “balancer of sexual energy.” Frame that in hearts studded wit marcasite and you’ve got a ring sure to make any finger more sexy. (And likely make the wearer feel sexier too.)

10. Aztec Scrying Mirror Necklace – Pyramid Collection, $79.95

This is a more elaborate and intricate scrying necklace that has a rotating center. On one side is a magnificent black Swarovski crystal, on the other an Aztec calendar. Divine divining!

11. Anatomical Heart Locket – Signals, $79.95

This is definitely not your standard heart locket. Talk about literally giving your heart to someone! And what’s revealed when you open it? Why, the chambers of the heart of course.

12. Nesse the Garden Dragon – Signals, $99.00

If your love loves cryptids like the Loch Ness Monster, why not give them one for their very own? It can “float” around their garden or backyard. Sure to bring a smile and warm thoughts of you every time they look at it.

13. Canterbury Chain Necklace – Signals, $139.95

I really, really want this necklace. I think it is such exquisite vintage romance. I have no idea where I’d wear it even if I could afford it, but that doesn’t stop me from coveting it!


  1. Heeeyy! This single doesn’t hate Valentine’s Day! The way I see it, if in a relationship, love should be expressed regularaly and romance should be much more frequent than anniversaries and Valentine’s Day.

    I also agree that gifts (for any occasion really) should be more personalized to the receiver. If my significant other (if I had one that is) got me chocolates and flowers for Valentine’s Day, I would feel he felt he had to get me a gift out of obligation and had no desire to put any thought into it, and if that’s the case, just skip it altogether. I am like you in my out of the ordinary eclectic tastes. The heart locket above here would be perfect for Valentine’s Day – not the same type of cheesy heart pendants most girls would be getting!

    And how awesome would Nessie be, or even the meditating gargoyle, in any of my little yard gardens, where I do a lot of meditating myself. I thought Burnie was cute too until I saw he came from Potpourri. Shivers – that’s scarier than ghosts! LOL Having worked for that company, which includes the Pyramid Collection and Catalog Favorites in its group of catalogs, I stand on principle to never ever give that company a single cent of my money. They treat their customers poorly and their employees even worse. While their stuff may look lovely, I would have to say, “buyer beware” for those. What you get often is not what you saw.

    Happy “Windows” shopping! 😉
    ~ Kimberley

  2. Author

    Hey Kimberley!

    THANK YOU SO MUCH for this most awesome comment! And informative to boot. I found it absolutely refreshing how you view V Day from a single’s POV. SO rare to hear anyone look at it that way! Love your positive outlook!

    However, I was SUPER interested on your take about the companies. I always see the neatest things in those catalogs (mostly I like Pyramid Collection, but I’ve bought things from the others too). But to hear a 1st hand opinion like this was also refreshing. Too bad they treat their employees bad! Learning that from one of my favorite commenters is now going to make me have second thoughts when I covet their wares. And it will REALLY give me pause before I buy anything. THANKS for the heads up. I like to support places that are nice to their employees!

  3. The nice factor is only one issue. They will get in new merchandise, all kinds of cool stuff (so if you buy it when it’s brand new to their collection, it will likely be okay)….but then they look for other crafters to make the same stuff, basically so they can charge the customers the same but send them cheaply made knockoffs of the stuff. Obviously they don’t find them for every bit of merchandise, so it’s a hit or miss in that respect.

    They also have an issue with shipping things on time and packing things well – late deliveries and broken items were a regular customer complaint.

    I would have hoped things would have changed there, but I know a couple people who took jobs there last year due to having been out of work so long in our poor economy and all, and they’re just beside themselves desperately seeking better employment, wondering how I survived in the job as long as I did with the conscience and care for others that I have. I can’t help but cringe every time I drive by the company headquarters, and I actually try to avoid having to go by it at all. Took awhile to get rid of the nightmares working there caused me. (And I think you can tell by now that I’m not usually a very negative person, so if I say it’s bad – that’s saying something.) 😉

    In any case, I made a promise to myself that I would comment more this year on the blogs I follow, so those that put so much work into them will know I actually do stop by regularly. Stats are great but they don’t tell you who visits regularly, at least not on my blog. 🙂

  4. I’ve always wanted that Nessie garden statue to go with my garden gnome collection. Can you forward this list to my husband?

  5. Author

    @Kimberley….Whoa! This is really good info to know. Because like I said, Potpourri and Pyramid Collection are among the catalogs I look through most. I don’t always order, but I do send people gifts from there for bday and Christmas. Makes me hope some of the stuff, which I never saw only shipped direct to them, was okay. I know people would be hesitant to tell me if something was cheap or broken. (Well maybe broken. And my dad’s girlfriend has no filter about such things so she’d let me know if something wasn’t up to par, uh huh! lol) And I tried to check out your blog on my iPod last night….but then it died on me. (I’d drained the battery playing Bejeweled…) So I will be sure to bookmark that and stop by and check your blog out too!

    Jessica: Are you going to see Gnomeo and Juliet??? I am cracking up. You and I have SUCH similar tastes! Again it shows through. Sometimes you post things and I’m like, “Oooo! I love that!” Naturally. We share some kind of kindred spirit gene, uh huh!


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