On a recent visit to Paranormal Searchers I was intrigued by something I saw in their sidebar: The Stuart House Recordings. I clicked the image and was taken to a blog post about it.   Whoa. It reminded me of a combo of The Blair Witch Project and Paranormal Activity, even though its TwitterContinue Reading

If you guessed that “an Alien Queen and a Fridge Full of Blood” is something Charlie Sheen might say, I hate to tell you, but you’re wrong. (Although, you get points for making a good guess. The way he’s been talking lately that does sound like something he might comeContinue Reading

You may have noticed something new at the bottom of our blog posts lately, but just in case you haven’t I wanted to be sure to point it out. We’ve always had a Link Within kind of feature that highlights other relevant and related posts we’ve written. Now we’re able toContinue Reading

The following is a guest post by William Uchtman aka @Thor_2000 on Twitter. If there is one thing I have noticed about haunted houses, it’s that the typical haunted house shares the same sort of inventory with the next haunted house. One can basically take an inventory of all the usualContinue Reading

We were only in New Orleans one night, but sometimes that’s all you need. In a place with the type of paranormal history and reputation that the French Quarter in particular has, almost any picture could take on a paranormal persona. A better photographer could’ve capitalized on the way theContinue Reading

Happy Mardi Gras! I never thought I’d find myself in New Orleans during Mardi Gras, but I didn’t realize the celebration lasts for a few weeks before, all the way to, Fat Tuesday. It was already in full swing when we were there in the latter half of February. Which was great!Continue Reading

< p style=”text-align: center;”> Before we left for our Western Caribbean cruise I knew I wanted to get a digital waterproof camera. I learned on our other Caribbean cruise (that time to Key West and the Bahamas) that it was a pain to get film developed for disposable waterproof cameras.Continue Reading

At the end of this month Haunt Jaunts will celebrate it’s two year anniversary. Plans are already underway for another party. Like last year’s one year blogiversary celebration, there will be prizes and a giveaway. In fact, a few of the prizes have already been acquired. I’ve got one otherContinue Reading

I had bought a new camera, a Sony Cybershot with 7x optical zoom, last August before we departed on our 10 day Canada/New England cruise. I loved my little Canon but the lens had been acting up. (Sometimes it was getting stuck upon start up which caused the camera notContinue Reading

Tomorrow National Geographic Channel premieres a new series called Beast Hunter. From the brief clips I’ve seen, it looks fantastic! Like Syfy’s Destination Truth and it’s hunky host, Josh Gates, Nat Geo’s Beast Hunter has a hottie monster hunter manning the show’s helm, too: Pat Spain. Apparently Spain learned laterContinue Reading

I wasn’t sure what to expect when our ship docked in Costa Maya. Ports are so unpredictable. Ones you think will be nice are sometimes not. And small ones you don’t expect much from often surprise you. Costa Maya was the latter. It was a small port but it wasContinue Reading

Do you ever feel like kicking yourself? I just had one of those moments. If you read about my jaunt to Saint Louis Cemetery No. 1 in New Orleans you may recall I said we ended up there on accident. There I was in one of the most haunted places in the U.S.Continue Reading