Last Sunday after we checked our bags at our hotel and prepared to explore the French Quarter I hoped my ancestors would find a way to speak to me. It appears they did, though not in a way I was expecting at all. Wayne and I opted to do theContinue Reading

< p style=”text-align: center;”> One of my favorite places to take people who would come visit us when we lived in Jacksonville was Kingsley Plantation. Not only because of all the ghost stories surrounding it, but because the drive out there was gorgeous. (You drive along  A1A, which winds along theContinue Reading

I didn’t do my research on Gloucester’s haunted places before we went on our Canada/New England cruise  last year. I figured we’d take an excursion to Salem the day we docked there. Alas, we didn’t do the Salem route and instead spent part of the day walking around Gloucester. Which was great.Continue Reading

When I used to go with coworkers to George & Dragon in Phoenix after work on Friday nights I never thought twice about using the bathroom. (Unless it was a particularly busy night and there’d be a line.) Until I stopped one of the waitresses and complimented her on herContinue Reading

Today Wayne and I are in New Orleans. Just for one night as we transition from cruise mode back to regular life mode. Tomorrow we’ll return home. New Orleans holds a special fascination for me. When I was little my grandma would tell me stories of her life growing upContinue Reading

I’ve been putting my own Haunted Places Page to good use again. We’re heading to New Orleans and I need to find a hotel. Preferably a haunted one. I’m in luck. I’m heading to one of the nation’s haunted hotel meccas. But not just hotels. There’s no shortage of allegedly hauntedContinue Reading

I was excited to go on our cruise to the Western Caribbean as it was for a few reasons: It’s a cruise. As I’ve stated before and likely will state again, I love cruising!  It’s to a warmer climate. After the winter we’ve had, I’m ready for some fun in the sun.Continue Reading

Everyone has their most haunted cities lists, don’t they? In honor of Valentine’s Day I thought it’d be fun to recap the 14 most romantic haunted cities we’ve  jaunted to so far. (14 for February 14, get it?) You won’t see too many big cities on my list. Chicago and New YorkContinue Reading

The other day I finally got around to piecing together the footage I took during our Ghost Tours of Quebec experience and made a little video of it. (It’s posted below.) However, afterwards, as I was driving to a volleyball game, I got to thinking about one part I had madeContinue Reading

Adsila from Above the Norm left a comment on my post explaining the video I’d put together of our Ghost Tours of Quebec jaunt asking if we’d seen any ghosties. Funny she should ask. We saw a bunch of ghosties on our tour!  None of them were real, however.  You see, weContinue Reading

I know Valentine’s Day makes some people sick. Singles hate it for obvious reasons. But there’s even those of us in committed relationships who feel like we’re fixing to OD on all the sentimental sappiness prevalent at this time of year. And then there’s those of us who don’t exactlyContinue Reading

I can’t hold a giveaway without some technical difficulties, can I? Why should it be any different when the lovely Frog Queen stops by and offers up prizes? My blog acted up and didn’t let some people comment. Others chose not to leave separate comments for each individual answer. (AsContinue Reading