Quebec City stole my heart. What a beautiful, romantic, haunted city! It was the final destination on our Canada/New England cruise and what a way to end the trip. The nice thing was all the time we had in Quebec. This would have been one of those ports I mournedContinue Reading

The following is a guest post by Chris Davis, aka the Frog Queen, who some of you may know from her awesome blog, Frog on the Pumpkin. She recently took a trip to Scotland and not only agreed to share one of her ghost tour experiences on Haunt Jaunts, butContinue Reading

Excuse my French. I don’t cuss much. (Only when I’m super mad. Then watch out. Not only do the bad words fly, but sometimes even my fists, depending on just how mad I am. Oh, yes, it’s hard for some to believe but I do have a temper and I’mContinue Reading

Word has it an early spring is on the way if the weather predicting groundhog known as Punxsutawney Phil is on the money this year. After the wallop of winter weather so much of the U.S. has endured this week, I’m sure there are a lot of people hoping toContinue Reading

It occurred to me I’ve never done a Black History Month post before. I try not to distinguish ghosts any differently than I distinguish people. (That is to say, I try to see people for the people they are, not for the color of their skin, their race, religious beliefs,Continue Reading

  Want to give the travel lover in your life something special for Valentine’s Day? Here’s eight gift ideas aimed at touching their heart if not outright stealing it. Since they’re all priced under $40, they’ll also not shoot the arrow straight through your wallet! 1. Angel Mirror Ornament- $10.00 atContinue Reading

At the beginning of the year Pete from Crazy Dog T-Shirts contacted me about being a sponsor for another Haunt Jaunts giveaway. I love giving things away, and last time HJ did a Crazy Dog T-Shirt giveaway it was both spontaneous and pretty popular. However, this time they’ve not only generouslyContinue Reading

Oh my gosh, I love when I find unexpected gems. I was scanning the YouTube home page the other day looking through things people I follow have liked. TheScaryVisions had liked a video by hauntedillinois666. That name intrigued me so I clicked on through to their channel to check it out.Continue Reading

As I’m preparing to embark on our next cruise adventure, this time to the Western Carribean, I’m recalling the lessons learned after our Key West/Bahamas cruise. Namely, what a pain it was trying to get disposable waterproof camera film developed. Not going through that hassle again. I’m on a quest toContinue Reading

I love visiting forts so I knew the Halifax Citadel was a must visit when we docked in Halifax last September. I didn’t know much about it except for the blurb that was included in the “What’s Ashore” portion of our ship’s daily In Port newletter. Reconstructed in 1856 asContinue Reading

  I have been wanting to see Frozen for a while now. The other night I came across it on one of the movie channel listings on On Demand. Whoa! What a perfect movie for this time of year. (Although, I supposed it’d also make a good choice for summer when youContinue Reading

< p style=”text-align: center;”> SCARED!’s Brian, Chris, and especially Brooke have been amazing to me this past year. Whenever I get a chance to support them and let them know how much I admire and respect them, guess what? I don’t hesitate.   It recently came to my attention I haveContinue Reading