What a week! Haunt Jaunts had not one, but two big things happen.  #50 OUT OF 118 Back in December I got an email from a representative of a new site that was at that time in Beta phase called Sulia. It’s tagline is “The interest network.” Here’s a snippet from theirContinue Reading

When I made my list of haunted travels in store for Haunt Jaunts in 2011 I didn’t list any cruises. I didn’t think we’d be taking a cruise this year. I was looking forward to Vegas, but now it looks like Vegas is a no go and instead we’ll be taking aContinue Reading

EPISODE DESCRIPTION I had some extra time and was able to partake in viewing a sneak peak of this week’s Ghost Adventures Bonnie Springs Ranch investigation. Rather than reinvent the wheel since Travel Channel has such a nice write-up, I’ll just share theirs: Bonnie Springs Ranch in Blue Diamond, Nevada wasContinue Reading

The skies were overcast as we docked in Saguenay on September 14, 2010, but it did not make for a gloomy backdrop. The locals wouldn’t let it. Here are some images, both video and pictures, of this charming community where it’s rumored that about now, in the depths of winter, ghosts andContinue Reading

Saguenay was one of the ports we visited this past September on our 10 day New England and Canada cruise.  I had never heard of it before we booked our cruise so I didn’t exactly know what to expect. All I knew was that it would be the first ofContinue Reading

I don’t know why people are so fascinated with vampires still. Just when I think the genre is surely going to die, nope.  Along comes yet another film trying to put a fresh spin on it. A new vampire movie that came to my attention recently via Twitter is MidnightContinue Reading

I love visiting museums whether they’re haunted or not. However, check out what I’ve discovered: paranormal museums! Five of them, in fact. John Zaffis Museum of the Paranormal –  I found out about this from a post on Ghost Lounge some time back. John Zaffis has collected all kinds of supposedly haunted artifacts duringContinue Reading

It’s been a year since the movie Phasma Ex Machina came to my attention. I was instantly excited about it. It looked intense, thoughtful, and spooky. Not spooky in the sense of jump out of your seat scary, but psychologically haunting. I’ve watched it’s progress closely for the past year. IContinue Reading

I saw this article in the Beebee News titled “Amateur Ghost Hunters to Gather in Eureka Springs.” That immediately brought the question to mind: there’s such a thing as a professional ghost hunter? I was not aware of that. What makes someone a professional ghost hunter? Do they go to schoolContinue Reading

Okay, so Zak, Nick, and Aaron of Ghost Adventures aren’t hunting with some boney new bros. They’re just messing around with some props like they always do. However, this week they are back with all new episodes and they’re kicking off the first show of 2011 with celeb guest hunters: theContinue Reading

This past Halloween I saw something I hadn’t seen in Halloween’s past: debates surrounding ghost tours and haunted houses. Specifically, people protesting them and working to shut them down because they felt they’re disrespectful and/or not politically correct. In year’s past there has been a religious element against ghost tours andContinue Reading

The following is a guest blog from William Collins, a writer, paranormal researcher and humorist. You can follow him on Twitter at @Thor_2000. For several years, both Hollywood and television executives have been aware that the viewing public likes a good ghost story. Movies about the paranormal usually do very well.Continue Reading