This is a guest blog by William Collins. If you like this story and are on Twitter, let him know by sending him a Tweet via @Thor_2000. The purpose behind the Collinsport Ghost Society has always been to convert fictional Hollywood haunted locations into their real world locations, but whyContinue Reading

Did you know how many types of Nightmare Before Christmas games there are? I didn’t, until the other day. I got an Recommends email that had two Nightmare Before Christmas recommendations in it: Jenga Nightmare Before Christmas and Nightmare Before Christmas Operation. Somehow I ended up browsing on Amazon.comContinue Reading

I’m very excited that Wicked Walks creator Diane Rothrock agreed to an interview. I’ve interviewed quite a lot of haunted places authors, but very few ghost tour owners, operators, or guides. And I certainly haven’t interviewed any smart phone app creators. Diane is a combo of all of them: writer,Continue Reading

Back in September of 2010 we visited Quebec City on our 10-day Canada/New England cruise. This was a Bucket List destination for me. It was even more powerful visiting it when we did because we were celebrating some huge milestones on that cruise: Wayne’s birthday. My 40th birthday. Our 15thContinue Reading

This is a guest post by Selina. At this time of year ghosts and ghouls are never far from our minds. But did you know that you can raise the spirits of your favorite ghost hunters all year long with Ghost Tour experience gifts from Xperience Days? Here’s a spooktacularContinue Reading

This is a guest blog by William Collins. If you like this story and are on Twitter, let him know by sending him a Tweet via @Thor_2000. I consider myself a paranormal purist. That means if I pick up a book about haunted houses, or even a website about hauntedContinue Reading

This morning, courtesy of Matt Lauer and his “Where in the World” exploits, I traveled to Namibia. It reminds me of Costa Rica in that the people of each country are both very proud and very respectful of their lands. They place an emphasis on environment and education. They realizeContinue Reading

I don’t normally write about people with ghost problems. I prefer the paranormal tourism aspect of ghost hunting and like to write about haunted places people can travel to. However, a travel blogger friend of mine who hails from Florida shared her experience with me. She asked if I knewContinue Reading

Some people believe my nature (a.k.a. “soul”) is in danger because I like traveling to places with ghosts. Also, they believe I’m more susceptible to evil energies because I don’t have a religious affiliation. ALL GOOD HEATHENS GO TO HELL It’s been about two years since I’ve had to confrontContinue Reading

Haunt Jaunts is going to be undergoing some changes. Halloween being over meant it was time to take down the Halloween greeting pic on HJ’s Facebook page. While I was at it I decided to create a new logo. Mainly because a couple months back Debe Branning complained we wereContinue Reading

When I mapped out where 2011 would take me, I had no idea it’d be to Mexico. Twice. The first time, when we went to Costa Maya and Cozumel, I saw some Dia de los Muertos dolls. I think they’re called calacas, but I’m not entirely sure. I get themContinue Reading

Well, it was another fun contest thanks to CrazyDog T-Shirts for supplying such awesome giveaway items, and to all those who took the time to enter the Team Michael, Jason or Zombie? Choose for a Chance to Win a CrazyDog T-Shirt giveaway. Of course there was a glitch with theContinue Reading