I’m really excited to announce something special that’ll be happening here on Haunt Jaunts this month. Lewis Powell from Southern Spirit Guide is going to join us as a guest blogger with a four part series called “Haunted Georgia.” Below is his introduction to the series. Haunted Georgia—A Primer ByContinue Reading

It was overcast as we pulled into Ensenada the Wednesday morning of our visit. I was up early, hoping to catch the sunrise as well as our arrival. I always like when I can see the docking process. It’s the same, yet also different, in every port. I think it’sContinue Reading

I decided to resurrect a past post from the archives. Reapers, Creepers and Shadow People: A Theory Inspired by Ghost Adventures at Waverly Hills was originally published on October 13, 2010. It’s one of my favorites theories. I modified it only slightly to rerun here. In case you missed it theContinue Reading

I had been wanting to see The Collector for a while, but, as with most things, I got around to it in my own slow, sweet time. It ended up being worth the wait. (It just plain sucks to be looking forward to what you’re sure will be a good horror movieContinue Reading

A while back I saw a post on Phantoms & Monsters about a chupacabra-like creature attacking Siberian livestock. It made me do a forehead slap. “Doh! What was I thinking only looking for haunted Mayan ruins when we were in Mexico?  We could’ve been in prime Chupacabra territory!” I looked forContinue Reading

One of the most interesting things my ancestors showed me on their ghost tour of New Orleans was the cleaning of Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau’s tomb. I spotted the volunteers setting up and receiving instructions when we first entered St. Louis Cemetery No. 1, but I thought they were relativesContinue Reading

If you follow this blog, you know how much I love cruising. A reader, who also happens to be a cruise consultant, asked if I’d be interested in doing a paranormal seminar at sea. As in helping coordinate one. Are you kidding? Dream come true! How do I sign up?!Continue Reading

Dear Paranormal Travelers and Enthusiasts, Our Find Haunted Places page was no longer cutting it. Due to the popularity of haunted locations and paranormal investigations, along with the increasing interest in paranormal tourism, more haunted sites than ever keep popping up on the Internet. Which is a great thing. WeContinue Reading

I’ve interviewed Jessica Penot of Ghost Stories and Haunted Places before. I wanted to interview her again, but as I just now revisited our past conversation, it dawned on me I repeated a couple of questions. Whoops. Well, Jessica was very nice and obliged answering once again anyway. Luckily sheContinue Reading

Lately Paranormal Posers are popping up everywhere. That’s how it seems anyway. I mean, they’re always around, but anymore they seem more audacious about expecting people to buy their faked paranormal evidence as real. (And in some cases I don’t mean “buy” as in “believe” but actually fork out money.) LuckilyContinue Reading

A couple of weeks back, I got an email from a representative of mun2.tv. Unfortunately it came during my hack attack/web hosting change. (A debacle I’m still trying to recover from.) Anyway, the rep, Kristina, was writing to inform me about a new show called From Beyond. Armed with paranormalContinue Reading

Yes, I’m writing about the indie horror film Ghost from the Machine again. Yes, I did just hold a contest giving away a couple of DVDs, but today I read some exciting news I thought was shareworthy. Plus, it’s Movie Monday, so what better day to share than today? Anyway, theContinue Reading