This summer we joined the YMCA so we could go to the pool. Almost every weekend, as long as weather permitted, we’ve gone. What a scorcher of a summer it’s been. The pool has provided a measure of relief. And the Maryland Farms Y, the location we prefer best, is notContinue Reading

A while back Jason Stromming from The Occult Section wrote about how a community college cancelled its ghost hunter course. The course was called “Paranormal Investigations: Communicating and Cohabiting with Spirits” and was among the “fun” courses the college had to cut. (Due to budget issues and needing to focus onContinue Reading

A while back I was asked if I knew of any cruises for paranormal enthusiasts. At the time Gothic Cruise was really the only one I could come up with. There was also another one I didn’t mention: Supernatural Caribbean Cruises. My friend Jade reminded me about it the other day.Continue Reading

All right, I was finally able to do the “Ghost from the Machine” drawing since the Internet cooperated and allowed HJ to stay online again so we could hold the giveaway. I used the Random Number Generator on to pick winners. We had a total of 13 entries. IContinue Reading

It’s amazing I still prefer traveling by car over most other travel methods given the amount of scary movies about road trips gone wrong that I’ve seen. Even crazier, it happens to be one of my favorite sub genres of horror movies. Maybe because there’s been so many good scary roadContinue Reading

Before I begin getting back to a regular posting schedule, I have some administrative matters to address. 1. Facebook The first has to do with an issue that was brought to my attention yesterday. A semi-cryptic comment was left on one of HJ’s wall posts about someone else who loves ghostsContinue Reading

This is a guest post by William Collins (who also writes as William Uchtman). If you like this story and are on Twitter, let him know by sending a Tweet via @Thor_2000. Has anyone noticed that in the whole history of “Ghost Hunters,” “Ghost Adventures” or even in the sadly short-livedContinue Reading

Haunt Jaunts was hacked today. Since I don’t trust the old theme, which is how the hackers got in apparently, I chose a different theme. Please bear with us while we straighten everything out and adjust to this new design. Be sure to enter the Ghost from the Machine DVDContinue Reading

I don’t know about you, but I love late summer. It ushers in the start of the horror movie season. (There’s always a few horror movies sprinkled throughout the year, but late summer is when they seem to crop up all over.) I decided to make a list for myselfContinue Reading

I have been waiting how long to see Ghost from the Machine, formerly known as Phasma Ex Machina? Well, I guess about that long. Back before it got its new name, artwork and distribution. Matt Osterman, the film’s writer and director, was kind enough to send me a DVD ahead ofContinue Reading

Back in October of 2010 I got an email from a reader named Renee wondering the following: I am looking for a birthday cruise next year 2011. I will be 30 on October 28, 2011 and love your cruise idea!! I’m looking for rates if you have them. And groupContinue Reading

I took a ghost tour when we were in New Orleans. But I didn’t book a reservation with any of the tour companies. My dead ancestors guided me around. You see, with my heart of hearts I believe that when I went looking for the ghosts of my ancestors in New Orleans,Continue Reading