I first saw a “My 7 Links” post on Travel for Love last week. Loved it! I thought it was such a clever idea. Not to mention, I’ve recently found that blog so that was a neat way to catch up on some of their stunning and mesmerizing posts. Then IContinue Reading

At the start of the year, I mentioned that one of the things ahead for Haunt Jaunts in 2011 was a book. Specifically, one along the lines of the Travel Guide for Restless Spirits that I had first originally envisioned Haunt Jaunts to be, well before I decided to put it inContinue Reading

I haven’t done a Movie Monday post in a while, but I finally had a chance to watch the History Channel’s Bigfoot: The Definitive Guide so I have something to write about. The show’s premise was as follows: A team of top scientists come together with one goal: to createContinue Reading

When we took our Alaskan cruise in 2008 we flew into Anchorage. We spent a night there before catching the transfer that took us to the cruise terminal in Whittier. When we’d booked our cruise we were strongly encouraged to book a transfer through Carnival because getting to the terminal wasn’tContinue Reading

Who won the $15 Cold Stone Creamery gift card? That’d be Barry! He likes sundaes. Good choice! One of my faves. (Along with shakes, but there’s just something about whip cream, sauce and nuts…) Barry also writes a fab blog called Gnostalgia. In case you’re not familiar with it, it’s worthContinue Reading

One of my first Haunt Jaunts blog posts was about Cheeseman Park in Denver, Colorado. Of the 740 plus posts HJ has published, that one now has the most comments. True, some of them are mine. Replies I’ve made to comments left by others. In most cases, the comments wereContinue Reading

If you’ve either investigated yourself or watched any of the ghost hunting shows, you’ve likely encountered a “Get out!” EVP. Most people assume it’s a ghost’s way of perhaps not-so-politely asking the living to scram. It could be. Sometimes the “Get out!” comes in response to a direct question, such as “DoContinue Reading

I don’t know about where you live, but it’s been a hot summer here. Besides hitting the pool, ice cream is one of my favorite ways to cool down. (Aw, who am I kidding? Summer, spring, winter, or fall, I love ice cream.) But I wanted to do something funContinue Reading

During the past year I’ve been noticing something kind of weird: old cemeteries in unexpected places. It’s actually very common to see old cemeteries around these parts, especially off of roads. But there are some that I’ve stumbled upon by accident. I never would’ve known they were there if IContinue Reading

I’d like to take a break from my regularly scheduled haunted travel type posts to talk about the paranormal community. Something struck me the other day and now I have to get it off my chest. How many times have you seen competition within the paranormal community? (In an uglyContinue Reading

Where in the world are the hottest hot spots for paranormal tourism? Using sites like Ghost Tour Directory, Ghost Tours of Canada, and Ghost Tours pty Ltd’s Australia, Europe and UK Listings from HJ’s Find Real Haunted Places page, I researched which countries: Most actively promote their paranormal tourism (meaning which individual haunted placesContinue Reading

I love interviewing people but I’m rarely the interviewee. That’s why it was so much fun to participate in Pamela K. Kinney’s Supernatural Friday: Interviewing Courtney of HauntJaunts. Pamela is the author of both fiction and non-fiction, including a couple of haunted places books: Haunted Virginia: Legends, Myths, and TrueContinue Reading