The Occult Section is to blame for this post. They included a picture of Sigmund the Sea Monster in an article they wrote about a 55 foot sea monster washing up in China. It brought back a slew of childhood memories of paranormal TV shows from the 1970s. It alsoContinue Reading

I thought it’d be fun to kick off HJ’s Haunted Summer Party with an ice breaker game, a scavenger hunt. It’s aimed at getting the party started and party goers excited about sharing links and pictures. If you want to play, below you’ll find a list of items to start searching for. IfContinue Reading

If Karen Frazier’s name sounds familiar, maybe it’s because you know her from Paranormal Underground Magazine or Paranormal Underground Radio. Or maybe you’ve read one of her articles or books. (As a freelancer, she edits and writes for a variety of places.) It was her book Avalanche of Spirits: TheContinue Reading

Okay, I’m very jealous of kids today. All I had were Barbies. Which I loved dearly. I’m not ashamed to admit I played with my Barbies until I was 12. I never was into baby dolls, but my Barbie dolls were an instrumental outlet for my imagination. Many times I’dContinue Reading

You know when you see an alleged Bigfoot or other monster video and it’s all wonky? By wonky I mean out of focus, not zoomed in, shaky, or otherwise very raw and full of flaws? Every time I see a video claiming to have caught a Bigfoot, an alien, orContinue Reading

A few weeks back, one of HJ’s Facebook friends, Aaron, asked if I knew of any sites that were good for sharing real ghost photos and discussing them. I referred him to another of HJ’s FB friends, Marilyn, who moderates the Unexplained world and paranormal group. They’re a pretty active bunch who share aContinue Reading

I got a very nice email from someone who stumbled across Haunts Jaunts. They wanted to know if I knew of any tours of the Bridgewater Triangle area. The nice someone is named Caryn and she would like to take her father on a tour of the area. He’s very interestedContinue Reading

The other day I came across a ghost movie trivia quiz I’d put together a while back. I thought it’d be fun to do something different for Movie Monday. Like a match the ghost movie to its rightful quote quiz. Movie buffs might have fun with this one. Might. IContinue Reading

Today Gnostalgia raised some interesting questions about whether paranormal TV is staged or hoaxed (or perhaps both). Barry’s no more satisfied with Syfy’s latest paranormal programming offering (Haunted Collector) than I am. And Finding Bigfoot has only turned out to be laughable. (See also another great Gnostalgia post: Finding Bigfoot on TalkContinue Reading

Today I listened to Terence Guardino’s June 2011 video forecast for Virgos.  His very first sentences piqued my interest and flashed me back to my prognostications this past April: “Well, this is going to be a very volatile month, but more for world events, weather patterns, because there are three eclipses inContinue Reading

It seems some parts of Australia have become somewhat “mean-spirited” when it comes to paranormal tourism. Some Aussies don’t seem to want ghost enthusiasts poking about their allegedly haunted places. EXHIBIT A: CLOSURE OF THE PICTON GHOST TOUR At the beginning of this year I wrote about the closure of the Picton GhostContinue Reading

Yesterday I was experiencing some server problems (Blogger, you better not have given my beloved WordPress your cooties!) so I wasn’t able to share some super exciting information that came to my inbox yesterday for Movie Monday. I have been anxiously awaiting the release of Phasma Ex Machina for overContinue Reading