29 of the Most Macabre Museums from Around the World

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Revised May 22, 2019

May 18 is International Museum Day. It may seem like an innocuous day to include on the Weird Holidays & Observances listings, but not if you put a twist on it. Which, of course, I can’t help but to do.

From paranormal and cryptozoology to witches, UFOs, death and leprechauns, here’s 29 30 macabre museums all over the world that you can visit. (As of May 22, 2019, a newly opened museum in Japan came to my attention to round out this list to an even 30!)

1. Archive of the Afterlife: The National Museum of the Paranormal – Moundsville, West Virginia

Archive of the Afterlife Paranormal Museum logo

It was once known as both The Third Street School and The Sanford School, but now it is the Sanford Community Center, which harbors the Archive of the Afterlife and it’s ever evolving collection of both local history and paranormal artifacts and research. 

Address: 1600 3rd. St., Moundsville, WV

Website: https://archive-afterlife.weebly.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/archive.para.museum/

2. Bearded Lady’s Mystic Museum – Burbank, California

Bearded Lady's Mystic Museum's logo

Museum of occult, spirit boards, fortune telling and more. Also has a gift shop with many odd, unique and macabre items to take home.

Address: 3204 W. Magnolia Blvd. Burbank, CA

Website: https://squareup.com/store/BeardedLadysMysticMuseum

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/themysticmuseum/

3. Bigfoot Discovery Museum – Felton, California

Bigfoot Discovery Museum banner

Their mission is to attract and “edutain” the public about mystery primates from around the world. Their exhibit contains local history paired with Bigfoot sightings, including a continuous loop playing the Patterson-Gimlin film.

Address: 5497 Highway 9, Felton, CA

Website: http://www.bigfootdiscoveryproject.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BigfootDiscoveryMuseum/

4. Bloody Mary’s Haunted Museum – New Orleans, Louisiana

Mary's Haunted Museum and Voodoo Pharmacy sign

The 200-year-old French Quarter building the museum is housed in is haunted. Admission is free with reserved city tours. Guided tour includes ghost photo gallery, seance parlor, Voodoo hall of altars, Psychic center, PSI testing area and ghosts.

Address: 828 N. Rampart St., New Orleans, LA

Website: https://bloodymarystours.com/new-orleans-haunted-museum/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bloodymarynola

5. Buckland Museum of Witchcraft & Magick – Cleveland, Ohio

Buckland Museum of Witchcraft & Magick logo

Private museum of witchcraft. Interesting tidbit of history from the site: “This was the first museum of its kind in the United States with an anthropological approach to the world of folklore and the supernatural.”

Address: 2155 Broadview Rd., Cleveland, OH

Website: https://bucklandmuseum.org/

6. C. Green’s Haunted History House & Museum – Cassadaga, Florida

C. Green's Haunted History House and Museum sign

History, artifacts, true crime, a scary movie display…and ghosts. No wonder its tagline is “Part History. Part Oddities. All Haunted.”

Address: 1079 Stevens St., Cassadaga, FL

Website: http://cgreenshauntedhistoryhouse.com/index.html

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cgreenshauntedhistoryhouse/

7. Cryptozoology & Paranormal Museum – Littleton, North Carolina

Cryptozoology & Paranormal Museum logo

Per their website: the Cryptozoology & Paranormal Museum in Littleton NC is dedicated to the study and display of phenomena such as:

  • Bigfoot information and artifacts
  • Ghost evidence and ghost investigation tools
  • Local cryptid and ghost stories and evidence
  • Lake and river “monsters”
  • UFO stories and evidence
  • Famous Fakes such as the Fiji Mermaid

Address: 328 Mosby Ave., Littleton, NC

Website: https://crypto-para.org

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cryptopara/

8. The Dark History Museum: A Live Experience – Hull, United Kingdom

Dark History Museum flyer
Source: Facebook

Transport back in time to experience Hull’s dark history via an actor-led experience that guides you through eight scenes. From the plague and connections to witchcraft, to tortures and executions and smugglers tunnels, your experience gives you a taste of the darker side of Hull’s history.

Address: 3-9 West St., Hull, UK

Website: http://www.thedarkhistorymuseum.co.uk/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DarkHistoryMuseumHull/

9. The Haunted Museum Nottingham – Mapperley, Nottingham, UK

Uk Ghost Hunts Facebook group cover photo

An old abandoned cinema full of ghosts is the home of this museum, which is open for ghost tours and ghost hunts.

Address: 700-708 Woodborough Rd., Mapperley, Nottingham, UK

Website: https://www.ukghosthunts.com/haunted-museum

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/166245340214158/

10. The Haunted Objects Museum – United Kingdom-Based Traveling Museum

The Haunted Objects Museum banner

Their collection includes five of the top ten most haunted items ever thought to exist, including dolls, paintings and mysterious antiques. They post which venues they’ll be at on their website, and also post photos of items from their collection.

Website: https://paranormal-magazine.com/haunted-objects-museum-uk/

11. International Cryptozoology Museum – Portland, Maine

International Cryptozoology Museum logo

Claim to Fame: The world’s only nonprofit cryptozoology museum.

Address: 4 Thompsons Point #106, Portland, ME

Website: http://cryptozoologymuseum.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cryptozoologymuseum/

12. International Paranormal Museum and Research Center – Somerset, Kentucky

nternational Paranormal Museum and Research Center building
Source: Facebook

This museum and research center is dedicated to Ghosts, Bigfoot, Aliens, Psychics, and anything that goes bump in the night.

Address: 107 N. Main St., Somerset, KY

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/internationalparanormalmuseum/

13. International UFO Museum & Research Center – Roswell, New Mexico

The International UFO Museum & Research Center
Source: Facebook

In 1947, a crash happened in this town that is now popularly known as “The Roswell Incident.” This museum attempts not only to inform the public what happened back then, but also to be a leader in collecting and conveying history, science and research about UFO events worldwide.

Address: 115 N. Main, Roswell, NM

Website: https://www.roswellufomuseum.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RoswellUFOmuseum/

14. Joshua P. Warren’s Asheville Mystery Museum – Asheville, North Carolina

Asheville Mystery Museum logo

This is a private collection of mysterious and paranormal artifacts that is only available when you take a Haunted Asheville tour. #Incentive

Website: http://www.ashevillemystery.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mysterymuseum/

15. Merrylin Crytpid Museum – Online

Merrylin Cryptid Museum banner

An online archive of the life’s work of Crypto-naturalist, Fringe Zoologist and Xeno -Archeologist Thomas Merrylin.

EXPLORE MORE:  Wait. What's this about "doomsday" harbinger oarfish?

Website: http://www.merrylinmuseum.com/

16. The Miyoshi Mononoke Museum – Hiroshima, Japan

Outside of the Mononoke Museum in Japan

This is the museum that was added after this post was originally published. It came to my attention soon after publishing this post. And it only opened shortly before 2019’s International Museum Day, on April 26. This museum is dedicated to the monster folklore, specifically rice monsters, of Miyoshi-shi, where the museum is located. Various exhibits display how the monsters have been captured and expressed in Japanese culture.

Address: 1691-4 Miyoshimachi, Miyoshi, Hiroshima, Japan

Website: https://miyoshi-mononoke.jp/

Facebook (but it’s in Japanese): https://www.facebook.com/mononoke.museum/

17. Museum of the Bizarre – Wilmington, North Carolina

Museum of the Bizarre logo

Tagline: “If it’s strange, weird, unusual or a collectible oddity, you’ll see it here.”

Address: 201 S. Water St., Wilmington, NC

Website: https://www.museumbizarre.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MuseumoftheBizarre/

18. Museum of Death – New Orleans, Louisiana and Hollywood, California 

Museum of Death entrance
Source: Museum of Death site

Originally opened in California, it opened a second location in New Orleans. Take a self-guided tour to see “the world’s largest collection of serial killer artwork, antique funeral ephemera, mortician and coroners instruments, Manson Family memorabilia, pet death taxidermy, crime scene photographs and more.”

Hollywood Address: 6031 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, CA

NOLA Address: 227 Dauphine St., New Orleans, LA

Website: http://www.museumofdeath.net/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/museumofdeathofficial/

19. Museum of Shadows – Plattsmouth, Nebraska

Museum of Shadows storefront

Voted one of the most haunted museums in the world. Located in a three story building that also offers ghost hunts.

Address: 502 Main St., Plattsmouth, NE

Website: https://www.museumofshadows.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/museumofshadows/

20. Museum of Talking Boards – Online

Museum of Talking Boards logo

It’s an online museum dedicated to everything Ouija. Learn the spirit board’s history, theories and check out the answers to FAQs.

Website: https://museumoftalkingboards.com/

21. Museum of the Weird – Austin, Texas

Museum of the Weird Torn Poster
Museum of the Weird Torn Poster

You’ll find the museum in the back of the “curious and mysterious gift shop” (Lucky Lizards Curios & Gifts). Part Americana, part roadside attraction, part preservation. A live sideshow performance is included with admission.

Address: 412 E. 6th St., Austin, TX

Website: https://www.museumoftheweird.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/museumoftheweird/

22. Museum of Witchcraft and Magick – Boscastle, Cornwall, United Kingdom

Museum of Witchcraft and Magic

This museum explores British magical practice and contains one of the world’s largest collections of items relating to witchcraft, the occult and magic.

Address: The Harbour, Boscastle, Cornwall, UK

Website: https://museumofwitchcraftandmagic.co.uk/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/museumofwitchcraft

23. The National Leprechaun Museum of Ireland – Dublin, Ireland

National Leprechaun Museum logo

This museum allows you to journey into the Otherworld and “immerse yourself in a world of myth and legend.”

Address: Jervis St., Dublin 1, Ireland

Website: http://www.leprechaunmuseum.ie/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LeprechaunMuseum

24. National Museum of Funeral History – Houston, Texas

National Museum of Funeral History logo

Includes America’s largest collection of funeral items. Learn the history of caskets, coffins, hearses, cremation and burial.

Address: 415 Barren Springs Dr., Houston, TX

Website: https://www.nmfh.org/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/funeralmuseum/

25. New Orleans Historic Voodoo Museum – New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans Historic Voodoo Museum logo

Per their website: a casual and curious experience intended to preserve the legacy of New Orleans’ Voodoo history and culture while educating and entertaining visitors.

Address: 724 Dumaine St., New Orleans, LA

Website: https://www.voodoomuseum.com/

26. The Paranormal Museum at Paranormal Books & Curiosities – Asbury Park, New Jersey

Paranormal Books and Curiosities Paranormal Museum banner

Tours are guided and require tickets that are recommended to be purchased in advance since tours often sell out.

Address: 621 Cookman Ave., Asbury Park, NJ

Website: https://paranormalbooksnj.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ParanormalNJ/

27. Salem Witch Museum – Salem, Massachusetts 

Salem Witch Museum
Source: Facebook

Learn about the 1692 witch trials. How they started, the players involved, and the environment that contributed to an unfortunate chapter in American history.

Address: 19 1/2 Washington Square North, Salem, MA

Website: https://salemwitchmuseum.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/salemwitchmuseum/

28. Traveling Museum of the Paranormal & Occult – Rotating Locations

Traveling Museum of the Paranormal and the Occult logo

Curated by Greg and Dana Newkirk, you never know where their traveling museum might pop-up, be it pop-culture conventions and paracons or private events. (Yes. It is available for those too.) But you can also view some of their artifacts online via the museum’s website.

Website: http://paramuseum.com/visit/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paramuseum

29. Witch Dungeon Museum – Salem, Massachusetts

Witch Dungeon Museum sign

Step back in time and witness a witch trial in action.

Address: 16 Lynde St., Salem, MA

Website: http://www.witchdungeon.com/witchdungeon.html

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Witch-Dungeon-Museum-110352865670515/

30. Zak Bagans Haunted Museum – Las Vegas, Nevada

Zak Bagans Haunted Museum logo

You know him from the popular Travel Show, Ghost Adventures. Now you can enter his museum and experience his collection of terrifying possessions in person.

Address: 600 E. Charleston Ave., Las Vegas, NV

Website: https://thehauntedmuseum.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ZBagansHauntedMuseumx/


  1. This is so cool, great list. There aren’t any museums in my state, but the next road trip . . . !

  2. Author

    Thank you! Right after I published this I learned of another one in Japan that opened. So now it’s an even 30…well, once I update the list. lol

  3. You also forgot the Seattle Death Museum. It’s the first in the Northwest.

  4. Author

    I didn’t forget it. I didn’t know about it. Totally would’ve added it. Thanks to you I now do know about it. Greatly appreciate you taking the time to stop by and point it out. WHOOP!

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