5 Great Places to Find Star Wars Photo Ops

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Yoda Fountain angle
The Yoda Fountain in San Francisco

Are you old enough to remember when the “original” Star Wars first came out in 1977? If not because you saw it for the first time decades later, you may appreciate what an iconic movie it is —or you may not. The force wasn’t with some who saw it even back then.

However, like so many millions of other people that year, I was among those who fell head over heels in love with Luke, Leia, Hans, and Chewie. A couple of years ago I reminisced about all of that after a trip to Galaxy’s Edge at Disneyland.

I got to thinking about it again today because it’s Star Wars Day —which, yes, is most definitely on the Weird Holidays & Observances page.

Since travel has been scarce, I started flipping through photos to share on Instagram, thinking I only had a few Star Wars-appropriate ones. That’s when I realized in the two years directly preceding the pandemic, I’d ended up snapping more Star Wars-related photos than I realized.

Yes, some were at the Disney parks, since Disney now owns the franchise. But not all.

Let’s take a look at these five places to find some great Star Wars photo ops.

1. Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge

Welcome to the wild frontier planet of Batuu, where you’ll find the Black Spire Outpost.

Galaxy’s Edge first opened in California’s Disneyland Park in May 2019, then later that summer at Disney’s Hollywood Studios in Florida.

But Disney? What’s that? Once you’re in this newest land, you’ll think you’ve stepped straight onto the set of a Star Wars movie.

Whether you’re looking to get some selfies or just some out-of-this-world shots of props, characters, or architecture, photo ops abound!

The Black Spire Outpost marketplace at Galaxy's Edge
The marketplace
Galaxy's Edge Black Spire Outpost vendors
Some vendors selling their wares in the marketplace.
Galaxy's Edge Black Spire Outpost
Everywhere you look, even up, there are sights to behold in Galaxy’s Edge.
Resistance Lady Liberty at Star Wars Galaxy's Edge
Resistance version of Lady Liberty? (I don’t know. But I thought it was a neat sculpture too.) May the Force be with you!
Trophy wall inside Dok-Ondar's Den of Antiquities at Galaxy's Edge
Trophy wall inside Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities

It’s also where you’ll find a full-scale replica of the Millenium Falcon and the Smuggler’s Run ride takes you inside!

Millennium Falcon at the Black Spire Outpost on Batuu at Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge in Disneyland
Millennium Falcon at the Black Spire Outpost on Batuu at Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge in Disneyland
Hallways inside the Millennium Falcon: Smuggler's Run ride at Disneyland
You get to navigate the hallways inside the Millennium Falcon to get to the cockpit!
The chess table inside the Millennium Falcon at Galaxy's Edge
Fans might recognize this chess table. You can sit here while you wait for your card color to be called and your flight to begin.

But beware. The First Order is always on the lookout for the Resistance.

Storm troopers guarding command Shuttle at Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge Disneyland
Storm troopers guarding the Command Shuttle
Storm Troopers at Disneyland's Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge
Storm Troopers on duty at Galaxy’s Edge! (They heckled the crowd. It was awesome!)

2. Hollywood Studios

Before Galaxy’s Edge was finished, Hollywood Studios had a Star Tours ride too. (As far as I know, they still do.) As you enter, you have to pass by an All Terrain Armored Transport, which is pretty intimidating but makes for some great Star Wars shots!

Star Wars All Terrain Armored Transport
An All Terrain Armored Transport, aka AT-AT Walker.

Pre-COVID, Hollywood Studios was also a great place to get photos with Star Wars characters. They offered Character Experiences where you stood in line for your chance to get a photo with Rey, Darth Vader, and whoever else was available at the time.

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Of course, just like the lines, each character required a separate wait. When we went, I couldn’t believe Chewie had the shortest line with only a 15-minute wait. I was all in!

Chewie Character Experience Photo
Me and the Mr. posing with Chewie for our Character Experience encounter.

3. Disney Springs

Star Wars Galactic Outpost in Disney Springs
My husband refused to let me go in. Smart move.

Shopping. Dining. Entertainment. All in one place. That’s Disney Springs.

It’s got all kinds of different shops. Some are more themed than others. Like the Galactic Outpost. That’s where Star Wars diehards might want to stop.

4. Yoda Fountain

the wild frontier planet of Batuu, specifically the Black Spire Outpost.

The Yoda Fountain was one of the unusual places I used Atlas Obscura to find. The campus of the Lucasfilm headquarters resides in San Francisco’s Presidio area. Just as Atlas Obscura said it would be, we found the fountain “in front of the Letterman center’s Building B.”

Yoda Fountain angle

It was especially exciting because we happened to be in San Francisco on May 4 on the day we found it. It was also fun to see we weren’t the only Star Wars fans looking to pay homage to it on Star Wars Day. We actually felt underdressed, as some people really got into it. Like this couple and their dog.

Galaxy's Edge Black Spire Outpost
Galaxy’s Edge Black Spire Outpost

5. Wings Above the Rockies

Wings Above the Rockies is a plane museum with literally all kinds of aircraft, from commercial to military. I wasn’t expecting to find a full-size replica of a X-Wing Starfighter though! It even came complete with Luke’s best robot buddy and co-pilot: R2D2!

X-Wing Fighter
I’m pretty sure this X-Wing Starfighter doesn’t really fly, but what a replica! It totally looks like it could take off!
X-wing Starfighter
Co-pilot R2D2 is ready for takeoff!


Who’s your favorite Star Wars character?


  1. I didn’t know these places existed, cool! My fave Star Wars character is Chewbacca. He’s scary and adorable all at once.

  2. Author

    Chewbacca rules!!! He’s my fave too. I love he’s yours also!!!!

  3. Author

    Han is SO handsome! When I first saw Star Wars I was all about Luke. But then it shifted by the second movie and I was all about Han. lol


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