5 Similarities Between Stranger Things and Archive 81

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Archive 81 poster

Are you looking for a new horror show with a supernatural mystery a la Stranger Things to binge —er, I mean watch? Have you given Archive 81 a shot yet?

It’s different from Stanger Things in many ways, but there are also some parallels too. If you liked certain aspects of ST, like the five mentioned below, there’s a high likelihood Archive 81 will be right up your alley.

Before we examine what the two series share in common, let’s first get acquainted with the new hit now streaming on Netflix.

About Archive 81

I’m not going to lie. At first glance, I wasn’t drawn to this series from the Netflix description alone, which is as follows:

As a video archivist investigates the secrets behind a mysterious fire, he becomes convinced he can save a young woman from the terrifying fate she met 25 years ago.

The man is Dan Turner (played by Mamoudou Athie) and the woman is Melody Pendras (played by Dina Shihabi), who are both excellent in their roles, by the way.

Once I watched the trailer, however, I was intrigued enough to give the first episode a shot while I ate my lunch. I knew I was hooked when I started eating slower even though I’d been ravenous when I first sat down. I didn’t want my lunch break to end too soon. Where was this show going?

And who was the mastermind behind it?

Turns out, there are a couple of masterminds.

It was developed by Rebecca Sonnenshine, who is also one of the executive producers and writers for the series. Other writers include Daniel Powell and Marc Sollinger, who Newsweek explained are the creators of a podcast of the same name that the Netflix series is based on.

Solinger is also among the executive producers, as is horror master James Wan.

All I know is this is one of those magic shows where the creators, cast, writing, sets, and special effects blend together to create a winning combination.

But how is it like Stranger Things when it doesn’t sound anything like it and none of the same people are involved?

Stranger Things & Archive 81 Similarity #1: Nostalgia

If you didn’t know better, you’d think Stranger Things was straight ‘outta the decade it’s set in, which is the 80s.

Archive 81 also revives a bygone era: the 90s. Not to the same extent that ST does. For one, Archive81 is split between the present and 1994, with some flashbacks to the Roaring 20s. But it does resurrect fond memories of 90s music and tech.

Stranger Things & Archive 81 Similarity #2: Research Facilities

Stranger Things has the research at the Hawkins National Laboratory to blame for the chaos it unleashes in the lives of ST characters.

Archive 81 involves a research facility too, but it’s not exactly trying to create something. Rather, it’s more a matter that LMG corporation owner, Virgil Davenport (played Martin Donovan), is trying to recreate certain circumstances so he can harness the benefits and capitalize on them.

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That said, he sequesters Dan away in a secluded house set up to be a research/information storage facility for Wellspring, LMG’s DNA-testing company.

It doesn’t resemble Hawkins Labs or the work done there at all, and yet…it felt so similar.

Stranger Things & Archive 81 Similarity #3: Other Dimensions

Stranger Things introduced us to the Upside Down.

I’m not sure if the Otherworld in Archive 81 is another dimension or another planet entirely, but it reminded me of the Upside Down, which was as integral a component to Stanger Things as the Otherworld is to Archive 81.

Stranger Things & Archive 81 Similarity #4: Demons

Speaking of other dimensions, in both shows they’re inhabited by beings that make their way from their worlds into ours. In Stranger Things, it’s the Demogorgon. (Controlled by the Mind Flayer.)

In Archive 81, it’s the Kaelego. Not sure if there’s anything else working with him. Hopefully not. Kaelego seems like enough to deal with.

Stranger Things & Archive 81 Similarity #5: The Power of Love & Friendships

Even though Stranger Things falls into, among other things, the Teen TV category, its timeless coming-of-age themes appeal to a wide audience. Friendships are tested, bonds are strengthened, first loves blossom. No matter what stage of life you’re presently in, who doesn’t wish they had such a tight friend group to help navigate the awkward teenage years with?

Archive 81 doesn’t fall into the Teen TV category. There’s no coming-of-age aspect. It’s definitely more adult-oriented, yet unconditional love and friendship plays a part.

Like Dan’s friendship with Matt and Melody’s with Anabelle. Talk about true blue friends.

And Dan’s devotion to helping Melody. Well, I’m not sure he’s in love with her per se, but he sure feels something. Enough to jeopardize his own life to save hers.

Archive 81 Trailer


What have you binged lately?


  1. I haven’t binged anything lately. We’ve been too crazy-busy moving house. It’s okay. Things will settle down in a few weeks, and I can spend some quality time sofa-sittin’!

  2. Author

    Oooo! A move! Congrats! But yeah. That leaves little time for anything else!

  3. Author

    I don’t know if it was just the headspace I was in at the time I watched it or what but I really got into it. lol


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