5 Things to Consider Before You Storm Area 51

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Area 51 Alien Center
The Area 51 Alien Center is the designated meeting area for the Storm Area 51 event.

As of this post, 1.8 million people have indicated they’re going to Storm Area 51 via the Facebook event called: Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop Us All. Another 1.4 million have expressed interest. What started as a joke has become one of summer 2019’s viral news stories.

I first saw it on Coast to Coast AM, but just about every news outlet has now picked it up –from national and local news stations to blogs both big and small.

The Air Force, of course, is cautioning against this bad idea.

You know someone (or a few or more someones) out there doesn’t think this is a joke. They said they’ll be there and they will. Ready to storm the gates.

But are they really ready?

Before they go, hopefully they’ve considered these five things:

1. Bail Money

If you get caught trespassing on government property, you can expect to get busted. Which is very likely in this case since, thanks to the Facebook event, the government knows the exact date and time to expect everyone. (3-6 am PDT on September 20.) If you want out of the slammer faster, have your dough all lined up. #TimeToTapThePiggyBank

2. Legal Representation

Speaking of jail, getting arrested means court hearings, proceedings, etc. Know a good lawyer? You might want to research them and lock one down before you storm Area 51.

3. Water

Amargosa Valley, Nevada, where the Storm Area 51 attendees will gather, is in the desert.  Which means it’s hot. It’s slightly cooler in September (90s, instead of 100s), but you’ll want to make sure to stay hydrated. Although, this might not be as much of an issue because the storming will happen at night. (Well, technically the wee hours of the morning.) However, that poses a different challenge…

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4. Proper Clothing

While daytime temps can soar into the 90s and beyond in September, lows can plummet to the 50s. Which isn’t too bad. Relatively comfortable. However, dressing in layers is probably a good idea. Pack accordingly.

5. Bites & Stings

Watch your step, where you sit, and where you place your hands out there, because of these three reasons: rattlesnakes, scorpions and spiders. Enough said?

For More Info

Website: https://www.stormarea51.us/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/area-51/storm-area-51-they-cant-stop-all-of-us/448435052621047/


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