6 Obvious Signs of a Fake Psychic Medium

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This is a guest contribution from Alissa Monroe.

Psychics offer a lot of value, but that doesn’t mean all of them are the same. In fact, many “professionals” are anything but professional when it comes to their job and what is expected of them. Just like anything else where money is involved, there are scammers who will look to rip people off and take advantage of them. For those in this position, it is best to look at specific signs so you are not on the wrong end of a psychic scam.

Here are the top signs to look out for when it comes to finding scammers.

1) Pretend to Read Minds

Being in a position such as this, psychics make claims that are odd at times and that can be a sign of a scammer. In some cases, the fake psychic will state they can read minds and that is a major issue since it’s not realistic to make such claims.

They will not be able to read your mind and are going to use specific tactics (leading questions) as a way to steer you in a specific way. These are individuals you don’t want to deal with for too long as they will only waste your time and are not going to add value to your life. Do not stay there for long as it is not worth it!

2) Upsell Multiple Sessions

Some fakes will look to run this like a business and sell the service.

This means they are going to bring you in and then start upselling multiple sessions until you agree. They are going to use a set of tactics to make sure this happens and that can be a wonderful way to earn money on their part. By getting you to come in repeatedly, they can draw in a good amount of money while feeding you whatever you want to hear. Do not let this happen and be vigilant when it comes to upselling and any other sales tactic.

3) Use Fear

Fear is an emotion that people do run away from but fakes will look to use it as a form of manipulation. For example, they may talk about a curse that is on your loved one and how multiple sessions will be needed to get rid of it.

When statements such as this are made, you will know the psychic is a scam artist and not someone you want to deal with.

4) Make “100%” Claims

There is no such thing as a 100% guarantee when it comes to the world of psychics so anyone making this claim is an outright liar. They don’t understand what is happening or they don’t care, which is why they will go ahead with the 100% claim as soon as they get the chance.

EXPLORE MORE:  7 Hidden Dangers of Being Psychic

Of course, as a client, you like hearing such guarantees but that’s not realistic nor should you hope for such claims.

5) Use Leading Questions

Leading questions are a wonderful way to guide you through the session and take advantage of your naivety. They are going to present a set of questions that will give them enough information to prepare what they’re going to reveal to you.

  • How are you feeling today?
  • Anything upsetting that’s happened in recent times?
  • You own a large house, right?

These are useless leading questions and are just a form of manipulation to prepare themselves.

6) Give False Promises

This is a common sign when it comes to fakes because they will use false promises to build your trust. A lot of these promises are going to be out of line and will not be verifiable on the spot. This is why most scammers use the tactic since no one will take the time to see whether things proceed as expected. Look to stay far away from these individuals as that is not a good spot to be in and they will start lying.

These are the most common signs when it comes to visiting a psychic scammer. You will be able to spot them out quickly as long as you know what to look for. A lot of people are misled because they assume everyone is professional and will not leave them hanging in a bad state of mind. However, there are scammers who want to make a quick buck and will take advantage of those who don’t pay attention.


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