Find Haunted Places Page Not Cutting It, New Pages Added

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Dear Paranormal Travelers and Enthusiasts,

Our Find Haunted Places page was no longer cutting it. Due to the popularity of haunted locations and paranormal investigations, along with the increasing interest in paranormal tourism, more haunted sites than ever keep popping up on the Internet.

Which is a great thing. We love finding the most haunted places and events possible. It’s our passion and why we started Haunt Jaunts to begin with.

However, our old Find Haunted Places page was starting to look too muddled and clustered. It was hard to navigate and we didn’t want great sites getting lost in the confusion.

Therefore, we decided to expand our menu and add two new pages:


We keep finding great sites that list ghost tours and walks, such as Ghost Tour Directory and (which also lists hauntings and some other neat paranormal stuff). We also have a select number of ghost tours and ghost walks that we like to feature.

However, the links keep multiplying. It was time to give them a page of their own.

Plus, we’ve now got a growing list of paranormal investigation and overnight ghost hunting operators. Old friends, like Beyond Ghosts, Ghost Eyes, and Southern Ghosts, have now been joined by exciting new finds, like Mysterious Destinations. (Which we’re particularly excited about because one of their events involves a paranormal cruise! If you’re a regular reader, you know one of our passions is cruising to haunted places.)


The second page we’re excited to add is one dedicated to haunted attractions and haunted houses of the Halloween variety. There are some really great sites listing Halloween haunted places. As we keep finding them, we keep adding them to our list. Now they have a page to call their very own.

EXPLORE MORE:  Call the Midwife: I Was Looking in the Wrong Place for Ghosts

We hope this change makes it easier for you to locate haunted sites, attractions, ghost tours, walks, and other paranormal events. (We also hope it makes it easier for us. We don’t just track them after all. We’re avid users of the haunted places lists ourselves!)

As always, if you come across any broken links, please give us a shout. We appreciate the help keeping our lists as current and usable as possible.

Forever restlessly yours,

The Haunt Jaunts Team

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