Want to Do a Paranormal Seminar at Sea with Haunt Jaunts?

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If you follow this blog, you know how much I love cruising. A reader, who also happens to be a cruise consultant, asked if I’d be interested in doing a paranormal seminar at sea. As in helping coordinate one.

Are you kidding? Dream come true! How do I sign up?!

It’s just in the very preliminary planning stages at present. All of the details are still being hashed out, including the guest speaker list, itinerary and events. We’re shooting for a 2012 sailing date, though.

We’re trying to keep it as affordably priced as possible, too, while also giving cruisers the biggest bang for their buck. In order to do the latter, I thought I’d put together a questionnaire.

By taking a moment to answer the few questions below, it will help us in planning a most extraordinary cruise.

  1. Have you ever cruised before, or would this be your first one? (I want to make sure virgin cruisers are particularly well attended to and that their first cruise is as memorably awesome as possible.)
  2. How would you rate your party level: (1) Subdued, (2) Wild & Rowdy, (3) Somewhere in between Subdued and Wild & Rowdy. (This will help us pick the best ship match.)
  3. What types of guest speakers would you most be interested in listening to? Your choices include, but are not limited, to the following (feel free to add other suggestions): (1) paranormal investigators (including perhaps doing a hunt), (2) psychics, (3) paranormal celebrities, (4) UFO researchers, (5) Bigfoot and other cryptids, (6) paranormal bloggers (if you have any faves you’d particularly like to meet in person, please specify).
  4. Which port location would it be easiest and most economical for you to sail out of: (1) Somewhere in the Northeast (such Boston, New York, or New Jersey), (2) Florida, (3) Somewhere in the South (Texas, Alabama, New Orleans), Somewhere on the West Coast (San Diego, L.A., Seattle).
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If you take the time to answer the above, thanks. Your input is greatly appreciated and will most definitely be taken into consideration.


  1. I really want to go on your cruise! Can I bring a baby? Can there be baby care? I would love a cruise that left out of the Mobile area. I would like to hear paranormal bloggers as speakers of course! The paranormal celebrities and investigators would be fun too. I’ve never cruised before and I am subdued. I’m so excited for you. This is awesome.

  2. 1. Have you ever cruised before, or would this be your first one?

    I have been on one cruise and enjoyed it immensely.

    2. How would you rate your party level: (1) Subdued, (2) Wild & Rowdy, (3) Somewhere in between Subdued and Wild & Rowdy.

    Definitely in the more subdued category.

    3. What types of guest speakers would you most be interested in listening to? Your choices include, but are not limited, to the following (feel free to add other suggestions): (1) paranormal investigators (including perhaps doing a hunt), (2) psychics, (3) paranormal celebrities, (4) UFO researchers, (5) Bigfoot and other cryptids, (6) paranormal bloggers (if you have any faves you’d particularly like to meet in person, please specify).

    I’d love to meet psychic Allison Dubois. What’s a paranormal celebrity?

    4. Which port location would it be easiest and most economical for you to sail out of: (1) Somewhere in the Northeast (such Boston, New York, or New Jersey), (2) Florida, (3) Somewhere in the South (Texas, Alabama, New Orleans), Somewhere on the West Coast (San Diego, L.A., Seattle).

    Definitely the northeast.

  3. 1.Have you ever cruised before, or would this be your first one? First one
    2.How would you rate your party level: Somewhere in between
    3.What types of guest speakers would you most be interested in listening to? All of the choices would be awesome! Anyone and everyone who is interested! Particularly ones who do not normally attend (blogger, Lorraine Warren, authors). I might be interested in assisting putting this together!
    4.Which port location would it be easiest and most economical for you to sail out of: coming from CO so probably west coast.

    I would love to take advantage of this but not sure I could afford to. Such a great idea!!

  4. Author

    WONDERFUL! Thanks for all the answers! They will be taken into consideration.
    Jessica: I will add childcare into the things to inquire about. (Most of the ships we’ve been on have had awesome kid programs, but I don’t know specifically about babies.)

    Jade: Like the people on TV. Jason Hawes, Zak Bagans, Chip Coffey…even Alison Dubois sort of counts in that!

    Jenn…I may be in touch!

  5. Sounds like great fun. Only wish I could be there.

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