Destination Fear will return for season 2 on April 29, 2020, and Travel Channel is hooking me up with a chance to talk to the show’s stars, Dakota, Chelsea and Tanner, on April 20. Here’s a little history on the show and its origins:
- Dakota Laden started out on YouTube, got noticed, joined the Ghost Adventures crew for a bit, then landed his own show.
- The series premiered last year during Travel Channel’s “Ghostober” event.
- In Destination Fear season 1, Dakota, his sister Chelsea and their friend Tanner Wiseman went on a haunted road trip to locations that were a surprise to everybody but Dakota, who hand-picked them.
- In season 1 they went to places like Brushy Mountain, State Penitentiary, Old South Pittsburgh Hospital, Sweet Springs Sanitarium and St. Albans Sanatorium.
- In season 2 Dakota, Chelsea and Tanner will all pick locations, keeping its identity secret from the others until they get there.
Season 2
I have to admit, I’ve never watched an episode. Which is about to change because Travel Channel hooked me up with a screener of season 2’s first episode. Maybe I should go hunt down an episode of season 1 to compare?
I ask that because according to comments on “The Haunted Locations Destination Fear Will Explore,” some suggested I didn’t miss much.
A few people said they had given the show a chance after being excited to check it out. However, they decided pretty quickly it wasn’t for them. One even said she wouldn’t be surprised if it was canceled and not renewed for another season.
I hadn’t heard much about the show –good or bad– but I was sort of surprised a season 2 was released so soon. Six months after it first premiered. Must have done okay in the ratings after all?
Once I familiarize myself with the show and its stars, questions will arise I’m sure. I’m pretty inquisitive by nature. Not to mention, once I start talking to Dakota, Chelsea and Tanner other questions will naturally arise. That’s just how things seem to work.
However, I always like to ask others who might watch these shows –whether you liked it or not– what would you ask?
Maybe especially if you didn’t like it. What was there about it you didn’t like? Does that spark any questions you asked about why they did something a particular way, or didn’t do something a particular way?
If you do have any questions you’d like me to try and work in, feel free to leave them below in the Check-In section. Thanks!
Then check back and see if it’s one I asked. I’ll be uploading the conversation to the podcast as well as writing a post about it.
For More Info
Go to TravelChannel.com/DestinationFear for exclusive behind-the-scenes videos and photos.
Plus, check out the brand-new digital series “Up Close & Paranormal” where, in an intimate discussion, the “Destination Fear” cast will share insight into their investigative tactics, advice for up-and-coming investigators and more.
Follow @TravelChannel and #DestinationFear on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram for additional content and updates.
Courtney Mroch is a globe-trotting restless spirit who’s both possessed by wanderlust and the spirit of adventure, and obsessed with true crime, horror, the paranormal, and weird days. Perhaps it has something to do with her genes? She is related to occult royalty, after all. Marie Laveau, the famous Voodoo practitioner of New Orleans, is one of her ancestors. (Yes, really! As explained here.) That could also explain her infatuation with skeletons.
Speaking of mystical, to learn how Courtney channeled her battle with cancer to conjure up this site, check out HJ’s Origin Story.
I’d like to know if it’s scarier to have something thrown at you or have an unseen entity whisper in your ear. (They both sound scary to me!)
This is SUCH a great question, Priscilla! Thank you so much. I’m totally aksing!!!