Why is Ghost Adventures investigating the Poltergeist house?

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Ghost Adventures team Jay Wasley, Zak Bagans, Aaron Goodwin, Billy Tolley in front of the Winchester Mystery House
In addition to the Poltergeist house, the Ghost Adventures team will investigate the Winchester Mystery House. (From left to right): Jay Wasley, Zak Bagans, Aaron Goodwin, and Billy Tolley | Discovery

“The crew’s mission to document the afterlife takes them to iconic haunted locations this season, including the first-ever investigation of the legendary Poltergeist House in Simi Valley, CA, and a historic séance at the Winchester Mystery House to summon Harry Houdini’s spirit…”

We’ll circle back to the Harry Houdini séance because I have some thoughts about that. But let’s back up to the first part. What legendary poltergeist house is in California?

The new season information for Ghost Adventures contained the answer. An obvious one that produced a forehead-slap reaction once I figured it out. Let’s check it out.

Ghost Adventures Season Premiere: “Poltergeist House Curse”

The episode description instantly cleared up the mystery for me:

In the special two-hour season premiere “Poltergeist House Curse,” Bagans and the crew dig deep into the mystery of the famed Poltergeist House, launching an unprecedented investigation inside the site of the classic horror film location to uncover the truth behind a rumored curse. Did real-life events converge with Poltergeist’s fictional storyline to unlock a lethal, ancient darkness? After the team’s lockdown leaves them with more questions than answers, Bagans believes a terrifying relic from the 1982 film could provide insight into the sinister energy that haunts the suburban California home.

Ah. Okay. That was my problem. At first, I was racking my brain trying to figure out if California had a house similar to the Enfield house in England that I didn’t know about. Nope. The Ghost Adventures crew isn’t investigating a real-life poltergeist house. They’re investigating the one from the original movie.

But the episode description prompted new questions, including:

  1. “People think the house in Poltergeist is cursed?”
  2. “What terrifying relic from the movie does Zak Bagans think is involved?”

Even before the series Cursed Films, I’d heard the rumors that Poltergeist was among the movies thought to be cursed.  But I’d never heard about the house having any issues —or that anything specific from the movie might have had anything to do with any of it. Have you? Or was that covered in Cursed Films, and I didn’t pay attention? I might have to rewatch it and refresh my memory.

At any rate, leave it to Bagans to uncover such an angle. Like him or not, he’s a showman through and through. Speaking of showmen…

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The Houdini Séance

If he were alive today, I’d love to know what Harry Houdini’s opinion of Zak Bagans would be. Would he admire Bagans’ showmanship, or would he call him out on his tactics?

I think it’d be a bit of both. Houdini would applaud Bagans’ theatrics and penchant for sensationalism. However, I also think he’d have a field day exposing Bagans’ tricks —and I’m not sure Bagans would appreciate that.

The Winchester Mystery House is also a curious choice of setting for Bagans to conduct a séance to try and contact the magician. Houdini didn’t really have any connection to the house. He visited it in 1924 during a nationwide tour debunking spiritualism.

However, Houdini never provided a public report or summary of his visit. Which, of course, has done nothing except create intrigue of its own. Many took Houdini’s silence as affirmation there really was something mysterious happening in the house.

Bagans must be operating under that presumption. He’s also trying to stack the cards in his favor. Not only will he try to make contact on the 100th anniversary of the magician’s visit, he’ll do so “alongside [Houdini’s] only known blood relative.”

What Else to Expect This Season

As they’ve done in past episodes, they’ll welcome special guests to some of the locations, which include:

  • Investigating the infamously haunted Glen Tavern Inn with special guest, musician and Korn frontman Jonathan Davis
  • Exploring reported hauntings of a legendary bootlegger at a shuttered casino with comedian and paranormal aficionado Matt Rife
  • Tackling a chilling new investigation inside Zak Bagans’ Haunted Museum, where a newly acquired artifact from America’s most prolific serial killer is wreaking havoc throughout the mansion.

For More Info

The new season of Ghost Adventures premieres on Discovery Channel on Wednesday, April 16, at 10 p.m. ET/PT. It will also stream the next day on Max and discovery+.


Have you ever heard the rumor that the Poltergeist house was cursed? What do you think the “terrifying relic” from the movie is?


  1. Interesting about the relic. If it was just one of a billion mass-produced items (like the TV), then I scoff. If it’s a handmade item specifically for the movie, that’s different!

  2. I do know that they used actual bones/skeletons from real people in the pool sequence from Poltergeist – and JoBeth Williams had not known that when she filmed the sequence. Other than that, no clue what artifact he could be referring to, although Jack Osborne and the Ghost Brothers had one of the skeletons used in the film on set when they were filming an episode of their (fun) show featuring their reactions to paranormal videos.

  3. Author

    I’d forgotten about the real bones, Maria! I remember being so creeped out by that back when I first learned that. Maybe it could be that. Maybe Zac figured out who the bones belonged to and will say a curse is attached because of that? Which seems a bit disrespectful so I hope he doesn’t go that route. The clown was the first thing that came to my mind, but that seems too obvious so… I have no clue. Did the psychic carry a rosary? I was also thinking it might have something to do with her. I haven’t watched GA in years, but I’m curious to see what the relic is. But I’ll wait until it streams so I can fast-forward to that part. lol

  4. In Bagins’ world, everything is cursed, everything’ll get you possessed. I’d take everything he claims with a whole canister of salt.

  5. Author

    Ugh! Sorry for the tardy reply, Maria. Between my site having speed/loading issues which I haven’t figured out how to resolve yet and me not having loads of time lately, I’m jusdt behind even more than usual on everything!!!

    BUT I literally LOLed at your comment. As always, sure appreciate you taking the time to leave them. This one came with a bonus chuckle! lol

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