Movie making statue on Hong Kong harbor waterfront

You’ve probably heard the term jet-setter. It describes someone who travels frequently, internationally, and to hob knob socially with other wealthy people living their best posh life. A “set-jetter” and its verb form, set-jetting, is a play on words of the concept. Let’s check out exactly what that means andContinue Reading

A lake like where Friday the 13th was filmed

I wouldn’t consider myself a full-blown set-jetter. More of an occasional one. But I have been known to curate trips that include visiting places where movies (horror or otherwise) were filmed. One place I’m curious to check out but haven’t made it to yet is Camp No-Be-Bo-Sco, the real-life BoyContinue Reading

Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction key art

Do you remember the 1995 short documentary The Alien Autopsy? It purported to be found footage of an autopsy of one of the aliens from the Roswell incident. It created quite a stir at the time, largely influenced by the FOX Network, which aired Alien Autopsy: (Fact or Fiction?), aContinue Reading

Map of Pennsylvania with Ghost Rides and Horror Film Trail badges

Does VisitPA have actual physical badges of their trip and trail guides? Or are they for display only on their website? I don’t know. However, there are two guides (and badges) ghost enthusiasts and horror movie lovers would love: Ghost Rides and the Horror Film Trail, a.k.a. Trail of theContinue Reading

Knock at the Cabin poster

  Maybe the better question is, “If you could rent the cabin where Knock at the Cabin was filmed, would you?” Hopefully, without any of the drama that unfolds in the movie. Unless, of course, you’re okay with strangers knocking on your door telling you they’re there because they haveContinue Reading

Ghostbusters Firehouse Portland

Portland? As in Oregon? How can it be the Ghostbusters Firehouse if it’s not in New York? That’s what fans of the classic Ghostbusters movie released in 1984 might wonder. After all, the Ghostbusters Firehouse is one of the most Googled original Ghostbusters movie locations. The exterior of the real-lifeContinue Reading

Ghosts on CBS

  Updated: December 16, 2022 I’m not sure if CBS expected to have a hit on its hands with its new supernatural comedy, Ghosts, but they do. The series is a rare gem that appeals to both critics and viewers alike. For example, on Rotten Tomatoes, it’s got an averageContinue Reading