Recently I wrote about how the haunted Old South Pittsburgh Hospital is preparing to reopen. It was fun to revisit some of my old posts from way back when I had explored there.
Like the four experiences I had on the third floor, and the K2 craziness in the basement, and the thing that creeped me out the most. (It was the bed. The bed they’d staged to look like someone was in it. {Insert Shiver Here.})

The K2 creepiness reminded me of the odd PX activity –that I never wrote about. I’d wanted to tie it to the graffiti wall.
However, I couldn’t share everything about the wall back then because of a certain paranormal group. I had to wait until OSPH made the announcement first.
The group had filmed an episode at the hospital. Everyone was trying to keep that on the down low until right before the episode aired.
The group?
Ghost Lab. (Remember them? I actually liked that show. May it R.I.P.)
By the time their episode had aired, it was too late. Meaning, I’d put off the post too long. I never got back to it.
Guess I can do it now finally, right?
Here’s what happened with the weird PX activity: it kept repeating the word “rabbit.” I don’t think it mattered which area of the hospital we were in. (Though that part is a little hazy. It has been a while. But as I recall we were in several different areas using it.)
I do remember that whenever the group I’d investigated with used the PX, “rabbit” was the one word repeated most often –and very frequently. It got to the point where they thought maybe the PX was malfunctioning.
Then, during one of our breaks, I happened to notice the member names of one of the groups who had signed the “Been Here” wall. There’d been a Rabbit among them! Not sure if the ghost was trying to use the PX to tell us Rabbit had made an impression on him or her or what, but that was a kind of interesting coincidence.
I remember trying to get as many photos of the wall as I could back then with my little Canon point-and-shoot. It was malfunctioning a lot that night, though –much to my chagrin.
I did my best. Mostly I wanted to get as clear a shot of Ghost Lab’s writing as I could, because they were big back then.
But I also remember thinking, “You never know. One day maybe someone else on here might be well known too. That’d be a fun memento.”
So, now that the future is here, I took a look to see if there are any recognizable names. BINGO! Look who else had signed the wall way back when. Someone (or, rather, a team of someones) who now has their own show. Can you spot them?
I thought this all might make a fun post. Lesia (a.k.a. the Haunted Librarian) confirmed it when she mentioned the graffiti wall in her comment on my post about haunted Old South Pittsburgh Hospital reopening. She said she hoped the new owners would keep it. Ditto.
Courtney Mroch is a globe-trotting restless spirit who’s both possessed by wanderlust and the spirit of adventure, and obsessed with true crime, horror, the paranormal, and weird days. Perhaps it has something to do with her genes? She is related to occult royalty, after all. Marie Laveau, the famous Voodoo practitioner of New Orleans, is one of her ancestors. (Yes, really! As explained here.) That could also explain her infatuation with skeletons.
Speaking of mystical, to learn how Courtney channeled her battle with cancer to conjure up this site, check out HJ’s Origin Story.
Chris from TWC….how awesome is that.
Thanks again for the write up! It’s great to see all the experiences people have had in the building. Unfortunately graffiti makes the building look like a slummy dump that is not our vision of the building. She deserves more respect then peoples names and artwork on her walls. This may make some people angry and for that I apologize, but this does not coincide with what we want people to remember this building by. What may have started out as fun ended up being a mess with nasty words, groups dissing other groups and groups crossing each other’s names out. So it has all been removed from the building and we have a strict no graffiti rule in the building. Sorry folks but it’s a new day for a historic masterpiece.
Hi again, Ronnie! Oh no apologies necessary! I hadn’t been there since 2010. I had no idea the graffiti had devolved like that! When I was there it was all still relatively new and it was a kitschy, fun thing to do. This makes me so sad it had turned into something so nasty –BUT also very hopeful and excited that you want so much more out of the place. That shows how much you care. LOVE it! THANK YOU for that and for once again stopping by to share insider info. (Spoiler alert: this will spark yet another post. lol)
Right? Kind of a fun find!