Adios Forums, Hola HJ Facebook Groups

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I’ve been busy making some changes to the site. One of them involved making the decision to officially said bye bye, adios, arrivederci to the Forums.

Kind of an overdue farewell, to be honest. We weren’t using them and neither was anyone else.

However, thanks to our awesome friends at, specifically their spooktacular Horror Hostess Emerian Rich, aka Emz, we have replaced them with something else: Facebook groups. Which serves a similar purpose to what we envisioned our Forums accomplishing, but Groups does it in a much better fashion.

The Birthing Process

I first learned of the potential of Facebook groups the first time Emz was a guest on my now laid-to-rest radio show.

When I asked her to tell everyone where and how to find, she mentioned their Facebook page but that she actually preferred the Facebook group because of how active the Addicts were. It allowed them to share whatever great horror finds they came across.

I personally belong to several (dozen) Facebook groups, but until then I had no idea you could set them up as part of your page, if you had one.

And even after hearing about it from Emz, the possibilities didn’t quite click at first.

But when they did?

Well, that’s how the three groups were born.

There’s been a little bit of a learning curve. Wanted to take them for a test drive before I made it official.

Suffice it to say, after Beta testing them for the past few months, I’m ready to not only officially introduce them, but to invite you to come jaunt there too if you’re not already.

The Groups

1. Haunt Jaunts Hangout

The first group I launched was  the Haunt Jaunts Hangout. It didn’t take me long to understand what Emz meant about liking the groups.

Sure, Jaunters can share links on the HJ Facebook page, but only people who check out Visitor’s Posts will see them.

But with a group? Bam! Whoever’s joined can see it and can interact at will!

And that’s what’s been happening. Lots of great sharing and interacting has been taking place in the Hangout.

And what do they share? Pardon my French, but in a nutshell, it’s a place to shoot the paranormal, horror, and Halloween shit with other macabre-minded folks.

Does that sound like you? Then come join. Everyone’s welcome!

EXPLORE MORE:  Has spooky season (un)officially started in August on Netflix?

We just ask you to play nice with others. Skellie will give any mean-spirited peeps the boot…and trust me. You don’t want that. He doesn’t wear boots. You don’t want his bony foot anywhere near your backside!

2. Eerie Events, Paracons, Radio Shows, Podcasts and More

Our next group was inspired by our Find Cons & Events section.

We know there are other places on Facebook for sharing and/or finding paracons, horror events, ghost hunts, the latest podcast and YouTube channel releases, etc., but here’s another one.

So whether you’re looking for an event to attend, or looking to promote one, check out our Eerie Events and Paracons groups.

3. Skellie’s Boo-k Club

This is our newest group.

Do you read about dead people?

If you like horror, mystery, the paranormal, and thrillers, both non-fiction and fiction, then this is a group for you.

And if you’re an author of dark fiction and non-fiction and want another place to promote your work? Come on with your bad self! We’d love to have you!

So there you have it. Our groups in a nutshell…emphasis on the nuts. Sanity’s overrated and boring anyway, right?

If any, or all, of these appeal to you, click the HJ’s FB Groups link in our menu or click on over to our Facebook page. You’ll be able to join them from there.

We look forward to jaunting with you in this more interactive way! If you dare…


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