An Interview with John Covey About the Central PA-ranormal Convention

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When John Covey, the Executive Promoter for the Central PA-ranormal Convention, posted his event in the Eerie Events & Paracons Facebook group, I recognized the con right away. I remembered adding it to the Paracons & Horror Fests listings.

It was memorable because it’s being held at a pajama factory. That’s a unique location, right? (And I’m not gonna lie. It also made me think of restless spirits roaming about in their PJs.)

But it also stuck because they’re doing an American Horror Story Coven Masquerade. That sounds so fun!

Anyway, I asked if he’d be up for a quick interview, and he was!

His answers have been sitting in my Messenger inbox for over a week. (Apologies again for the delay, John.)  But we’re getting them posted today.

If any of this tantalizes your con going spirit, be sure to check out the For More Info section following the Q&A for dates, location, etc.

Q: What sort of paranormal activity has been reported at the pajama factory?

A: The main kind of activity reported by attendees and tenants of the Factory is seeing figures. In addition, some always hear footsteps when they know no one is on the floor above (as the 3rd-5th floors are vacant). Also, people feel energy shifts constantly, even upon arrival to the property and hearing voices.

Q: Will there be a paranormal investigation of the pajama factory? And if so, how will it be structured? (Celebrity guided? Add-on in addition to attending the con? Etc.)

A: Each year, we hold a small 3-Hour Investigation that is exclusive to our Full Access Attendees. We have a majority of the year’s guest speakers join with them. This allows individuals to actually investigate with guests; giving both a living and non-living experience. The structure changes each year as we like to keep it fresh. Last year, we split the group of 50 participants into 3 separate groups: Scientific, Intuitive, and Classic. The Scientific group was led by Cody DesBiens (TAPS & RISEUP Paranormal). The Intuitive/Classic Group was led by Melissa Leeper, Chris Hammond, Skip Dehus, and myself.

This year, we have not finalized who exactly will be leading the investigation/sub-groups. That will be determined shortly though.

Q: Will the con be set up in one portion of the factory? How much access to the whole factory will people have?

A: The actual convention will be held in their Community Room. It is on the first floor. It is asked that for the convention, we have individuals to enter the Cemetery Street Entrance. Not the Rose Street Entrance.

For the convention day activities (convention), individuals will have access to the entire exterior of the facility. Due to the Pajama Factory having tenants, we cannot have anyone throughout the facility during operation hours. Once we are able to, the investigation will be held from 7:00PM-10:00PM EST. During this time, the investigation will be guided, but we will have access to floors 3-5 of the entire facility. The 5th floor, though, is under construction with roofing problems so the 5th floor is tentative.

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Q: Where will the masquerade ball take place?

A: The American Horror Story Coven Masquerade will also be held in the Community Room Friday evening. The Masquerade will take place between 7:00PM-10:00PM (timing may alter).

Q: Do you have a favorite area or story from your investigations of the factory?

A: Last year, while investigating in the Pajama Factory, we explored part of the building that was open to the tenants. This was on the second floor… it was near the end of the investigation (still during the daytime). My group gathered in a sitting area. I was sitting on the floor, palm of my hands touching the actual wooden floor. I was channeling to connect with a male who committed suicide just outside the window where we were. At the same time as I began verbally speaking with him, he answered through the spirit box. We had a full-intelligent conversation that everyone in the room heard as well. I was also able to document it on our digital voice recorder.

It was an experience I won’t forget as I think I was able to help give him a voice that I know he was trying to have. Hopefully it provided him peace of some sort.
** A little about myself, I am able to sense, see, and hear spirits…sometimes, I can smell if they used to smoke, drink, etc.

Central PA-racon Trailer

Are you an American Horror Story fan too? Me too. That’s why I think this is such a fun trailer to advertise their con.

For More Info

The Central PA-ranormal Convention will take place October 18-19, 2019 at the Pajama Factory in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.

There will be lectures, paranormal guests, horror/film guests, a paranormal auction, and the American Horror Story Coven Masquerade.

It also will benefit Angelina’s Song, a foundation to help children battling pediatric cancers. (This might be another reason this con was memorable. I definitely have a soft spot for anything cancer-related.)

For further details about specific guests, vendors, etc., visit their website:

You can also follow the con on Facebook.


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