An Out of This World Happy Two Year Blogiversary Wish

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Happy Birthday, Haunt Jaunts!

It’s both hard to believe and amazing to me that it was only two years ago HJ was born. It continues to be the best thing that ever came from me having cancer. (Besides knowing just how very much those near and dear to me truly love me. That’ll always be THE best thing that ever came from my cancer.)

But this little blog of mine, which was born out of a desire not to die and get off the couch and clutch life, has now taken on a life of its own. Because of it, I’ve sure learned a whole lot of different things, and, wow!, the cool people I’ve met.

That’s maybe the part I’ve enjoyed most of all. I had no idea I would get to know other people within the paranormal community like I have. I figured I’d just be writing about my weird interest in traveling to haunted places. I had no idea I’d actually strike up relationships with others interested in the same thing, be they fellow bloggers or fellow paranormal enthusiasts.

It’s been great. You could even say life changing.

So, THANK YOU! Thank you to the over 2,500 followers we’ve now amassed on Twitter. Thank you to the 700 plus people who have liked us on Facebook. Thank you to those who share our links, leave comments on the blog or HJ’s FB page, and who spread the word and encourage their friends to follow us too.

Most of all, thanks for all the kinship and comraderie.

And speaking of friends, HJ’s got friends from all over. Here’s one with an out of this world birthday wish. Enjoy!


  1. SOOOO I have no idea why it has my name as Weekly Spectre….WEIRD!!!!!

    Happy Bloggy Birthday doll face! LOVE YOU!

  2. Happy Blogoversery to you!

  3. Happy happy blogoversery Court…

  4. Thanks so much everyone! I really appreciate you celebrating with me! (And glad my alien made some of you lol. 😉

  5. Glad to have you around my dear!! And that birthday greeting made me LOL – so many talented and creative people around! Happy blog birthday to you!!



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