“Are you okay?”: Chatting Ghosts of Devil’s Perch with Dave Schrader

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Ghosts of Devil's Perch with Dave Schrader Interview Snapshot

What happened to Dave Schrader in Ghosts of Devil’s Perch that had his co-stars, Cindy Kaza and K.D. Stafford, calling for an ambulance? Is his new show a continuation of ones like Ghosts of Shepherdstown and Ghosts of Morgan City? What’s it like working with law enforcement to investigate the paranormal? How will he use his YouTube channel, The Paranormal 60 with Dave Schrader, to engage even more with viewers about Ghosts of Devil’s Perch episodes? And what’s his best tip to viewers who want to make sure their favorite shows get renewed for more seasons?

These are just a few of the things we discussed when Dave generously agreed to speak with me about his new show, which premieres on Travel Channel on Sunday, August 21 at 9 p.m. ET/PT. It also starts streaming the same day on discovery+.

Below is a summary of our chat, but I’ve also embedded the video of the whole thing. (Likes and subscribes appreciated!)

1. The “Dave down!” Moment

In addition to getting a chance to talk with Dave, the good folks at discovery+ also gifted me screeners of a few episodes of the show. At the end of episode 1, there’s a “This season on Ghosts of Devil’s Perch” preview. It contains a lot of exciting clips, but one of the most shocking and disturbing was where Dave screamed, grabbed his gut, and fell to his knees, doubled over on the ground. Cindy and K.D. gather around him and then call out, “Someone needs to get an ambulance.”

The fact that he joined me indicated he was fine, but I know when people see that, they’ll be wondering what happened.

Thanks to those screeners, I know what happened, but since he didn’t elaborate on specifics, I won’t spoil it. Other than to say it luckily wasn’t anything serious.

Even more importantly, his sense of humor remained intact. When I said, “I know people are going to wonder if Dave’s okay,” he joked, “I’m not. I didn’t survive it, folks. Enjoy this series because it’s the last one I’ll be on. I perished.”

What a great interview with a ghost! Except, he’s decided that if he does return as a ghost, he’ll manifest as he looked in the 80s, with a full head of hair and everything.

2. Stirring Up Psychic Dust and Giving Voice to History’s Forgotten

Yes. Ghosts of Devil’s Perch is a paranormal investigation show, but as Dave put it, it’s more than that.

Specifically, he said:

“And it’s interesting the way the spirits choose to tell their story. And that’s what this is really about. It’s giving voice to the forgotten, to those that have fallen by the wayside of history. And we uncover some of these names that were just as important, maybe even more important to the settling and building of Butte’s history, but they don’t get the same accolades as the Copper Kings and the wealthy people did. So this is really kind of about how to let these spirits get some rest by telling their story and doing it the right way.”

Insert heart hands here!

3. Scary Moments and Heartbreaking Experiences

Are there any scary moments in this show? Yes. Not just for the audience,  but the investigators too.

As Dave said, “I would honestly say in this series I have two to three of the most impactful experiences to my career to date.”

And one of them is when Dave “hits the turf,” as he quantified it.

4. Dave’s Thoughts about Experts in the Paranormal

He addressed how he, Cindy, and K.D. are referenced as paranormal experts on the show and how that will likely “rankle” a lot of people. So many people feel there aren’t experts in the paranormal.

He argues there are because “it’s the time and effort and work that you put into it that makes you an expert.” He admitted “that doesn’t mean you know everything,” but that experts have a “good working knowledge and understanding of a situation.”

Then he brought up how “lawyers and doctors are considered expert witnesses, yet they’re always ‘in practice.’ Because they’re always learning. That’s an educational job.” And so is what Dave, Cindy, and K.D. do.

5. Ghosts of Devil’s Perch is the 4th Season of the “Ghosts of” Series

When some viewers heard that The Holzer Files hadn’t been renewed for a season 3 but that Dave and Cindy had a new show coming out, they called Ghosts of Devil’s Perch a spin-off. Then there were those who were familiar with the Ghosts of Shepherdstown and Ghosts of Morgan City and called Devil’s Perch a spin-off of that.

It’s definitely not a spin-off of The Holzer Files. But it’s also not a spin-off of the other two either. As Dave explained, it’s actually the fourth season of the “Ghosts of” series. Which confused me at first until Dave reminded me that there were two seasons of Ghosts of Shepherdstown. I’d forgotten about that. And maybe if things work out right, there could be a season 2 of Ghosts of Devil’s Perch? Dave’s up for it if the ghosts and town of Butte are…

EXPLORE MORE:  Cindy Kaza Replaces Amy Allan on New Season of The Dead Files

6. Investigating Fresh Scenes

I asked Dave if he’d ever investigated such fresh scenes as he did in Ghosts of Devil’s Perch. Meaning, experiencers (or “paranormal witnesses” as they label them on the show) call the police to report an incident. In the first episode, someone reports being attacked by an unseen assailant in the bathroom at Chateau Clark following an event.

The police respond and investigate but don’t find anyone. Which would’ve been hard to do because the woman told them she was alone when it happened. She reported feeling not alone though, even though she could tell she was. But then she felt a burning on her back and when her friend looked, she discovered long, angry, red scratches.

Since this was an example of one of the many weird calls Butte P.D. often receives lately, Sheriff Lester called Dave, Cindy, and K.D. to come right over and check it out too. (Although Cindy stayed in the camper to insulate herself from suggestions until it was time for her to give her reading on the place.)

Still, they’re able to access locations right after activity happens. Dave said that was exciting, but so was the community involvement. Residents knew the show was in town filming and were that much more open to sharing their experiences when they happened.

7. Interactive Ghosts of Devil’s Perch Aftershows on The Paranormal 60

Dave hosts The Paranormal 60, a live stream every Monday and Friday on YouTube. But then the audio is also fed to the major podcast platforms too.

However, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays following Ghosts of Devil’s Perch episodes, Dave will also host a sort of aftershow on The Paranormal 60. He’ll have people who appeared in that week’s episode, like maybe K.D. one week and Cindy the next, or the historian Chris Fisk, as well as some of the experiencers and TV investigators from other shows, etc. They’ll not only break down and discuss the episode, but they’ll also answer viewer questions.

Something to note, though, the Ghosts of Devil’s Perch discussions on The Paranormal 60 won’t happen on both Tuesdays and Wednesdays. It will be either/or, depending on people’s schedules.

But that provides a great way to interact and get more information about the show. And who knows? Maybe even Shane Pittman will make an appearance on The Paranormal 60 to console Dave over some of his “Poor Dave” moments in Devil’s Perch.

8. Dave’s Tip for Saving Your Favorite Shows

Watch them!

All kidding aside, when you watch matters to the survival of shows. He addressed how people like to save shows to binge all at once. Meaning, they’ll wait for all the episodes to air and then watch.

The trouble is, when people watch all at once six to nine weeks after a show airs, it hurts the show’s chances of survival. But if people watch within the first 48 hours (the same day or within 24 hours is even better), it signals that show is more of a priority.

He even had a suggestion for those who like to DVR their favorite shows to watch later. Even if you can’t watch it right then, just leave the TV on and play it in the background while you’re taking a shower and getting ready for work in the morning and such. Then you can continue to save them and go back to watch all at once later. But if you really like a show, the sooner you watch it, the better its chances are for survival.

“Let your voice be heard by putting on that episode and letting it air.” Dave Schrader

The Chat

For More Info

Visit TravelChannel.com and discoveryplus.com.


What would you ask Dave Schrader?


  1. Your interview is queued on my to-watch list, Courtney! (Have you ever noticed how “queued” would make an excellent Hangman word?) I’d ask Dave something silly like how do investigators stay up all night? Is the adrenaline running that high?

  2. Author

    I never thought about how “queued” would make a good Hangman word…until now. LOL It would be challenging! And I like your question. It’s always fun to hear the ways investigators keep themselves awake when they share it but I never think to ask. (That might change now thanks to you!)


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