Are You Ready to Get Schooled By Ghosts Starting October 1?

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Schooled by Ghosts what spirits can teach you

Something I’ve been passionate about for a long time is using paranormal travel (what I fondly refer to as “haunt jaunts”) as a teaching tool. There are at least 13 (but probably even more) things you can learn by traveling to haunted places, from history and architecture to geography, languages, and religion. I’m setting out to explore some of it in a new series called School By Ghosts.

“Oh God. School? That sounds boring,” you may be thinking.

And rightly so. If you weren’t the bookworm type and found school tedious, but you like the paranormal, would you have been more interested if classes had been centered around haunted subjects?

Who knows. This isn’t meant to be “real school,” though. It’s not even geared towards kids.

I would like it to be somewhat informative though, but also entertaining. “Infotaining” but not dark like so many of the Travel Channel shows have become. Not to diss TC. They’re very good to me. They always send me show info and set me up with interviews.

A lot of people clearly like the programming they’re offering. However, not everything about the paranormal they present is always real. And it’s certainly not always dark, scary, or demonic. That can be fun from a thrill-seeking perspective, but also harmful because then people mistakenly think it’s all bad, evil, and dangerous.

Not so. There’s a lot of good that comes out of the paranormal too. That’s the side Schooled by Ghosts wants to showcase.

The Trailer

Schooled By Ghosts First Semester Syllabus

Here are some of the “lessons” I plan to cover in the first semester (season) of Schooled by Ghosts, though perhaps not in this exact order. (Except for the very first one. It seems like the perfect place to start. And the last one too.)

  1. An Introduction to the Paranormal: What are ghosts? We have to first understand (or try to) what we’re dealing with, right?
  2. Haunted Religion: Do all religions view ghosts as evil? Or even believe in them at all?
  3. Haunted Geography: A quick look at some of the most haunted places around the world.
  4. Haunted Architecture: Do ghosts prefer a certain style of haunted house?
  5. Haunted History: What are some of the best places to take haunted history tours?
  6. Science and the Supernatural: What is the scientific method and can it be applied to ghost hunting?
  7. Haunted Culture: What’s the difference between memento mori and Dia de Los Muertos?
EXPLORE MORE:  The Guest Investigators in the New Episodes of Ghost Hunters

How to Get Schooled

Not only will I be writing Schooled by Ghosts posts here on the blog, but I’ll also transform some into videos for the Haunt Jaunts YouTube channel and/or as episodes on the podcast.

The first lesson, “An Introduction to the Paranormal,” will be released on Thursday, October 1 as a blog post, video, and podcast episode.

More Schooled by Ghosts episodes will follow on all platforms throughout October until November 1.


What have ghosts taught you? Anything?


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