What a week. First Alison at Horror Squad featured Haunt Jaunts, now I got a message from The Travel Blogroll that Haunt Jaunts was one of their three featured blogs for the week. WOW! And I have to thank Mommy D (you may be familiar with her “dark side,” a.k.a.Continue Reading

My friend Jade Walker asked me not too long ago, “What makes a place officially haunted anyway? Is there even such a thing?” Since this is a question I’m asked all the time, and since tonight is the big premiere of Syfy’s newest show, Fact or Faked, I thought itContinue Reading

I’ve posted yet another topic under HJ’s FB Discussions: “Do you feel haunted places in your area are underrated?” It was inspired by conversations I’ve had on Twitter with people like @Thor_2000, @JenBlaney, and most recently @BoyEatsGurl. Thor was probably the first one to really start it. Ever since I’veContinue Reading

If you’ve been reading Haunt Jaunts for a while, you may recall a site I used to love called Screamstress. I liked it so much I named it as one of HJ’s Best of 2009 winners as well as one of 20 Spots to Watch for Paranormal Activity in 2010.Continue Reading

I don’t know what’s going on, but this seems to be the week for the premier of new paranormal TV shows. Syfy’s leading the charge, but there’s also a dark horse you’d never suspect with a paranormal episode debuting: Planet Green. ON SYFY “Haven” – This “supernatural-drama series inspired byContinue Reading

Just a quick note… If you’ve stopped by today, you’ve noticed a new look –and likely some of the new glitches. I’m working diligently to figure out how to move the Search function down, as well as fix a few other things going haywire in the sidebars. Since it requiresContinue Reading

Once upon a time, back when I first started blogging, I created a promo video for Haunt Jaunts. I’d never really been happy with it, though. I knew it could be improved, that I could do better. So, I put it on my To Do list: “revise HJ promo vid.”Continue Reading

Okay, so yesterday I wrote about Team GAC’s Twibbon supporters versus Team TAPS. A cool little bird who’s very in the Ghost Adventures know told me I was mistaken about numbers. While there is this GAC Twibbon with 216 supporters, there’s also others: This Ghost Adventures III Twibbon has 423Continue Reading

The Twilight Saga has Team Jacob and Team Edward, but it’s not the only paranormal phenomenon with sides. More and more I’ve noticed fans pledging their loyalty to what I’ve come to think of as Team GAC (a.k.a. Ghost Adventures) or Team TAPS (a.k.a. Ghost Hunters).Continue Reading

Thanks to Twitter I learned that the Travel Channel’s monthly giveaway features a jaunt to a place near and dear to Zak Bagans and the gang’s hearts: their hometown of Vegas, baby! Each month the Travel Channel gives away trips. This month it’s a “Win a Trip for 2 toContinue Reading

A little bee buzzed me about a film premiering tonight at 9 p.m. on HBO: No One Dies in Lily Dale. It’s part of the HBO Documentary Film Summer Series. Here’s the teaser I was sent that immediately piqued my interest: Located just south of Buffalo, tiny Lily Dale, NY,Continue Reading

Happy Independence Day America! I recently wrote an article for Destinations Travel Magazine’s “Haunted Places” issue (I think it comes out in August) that required a bit of research. In so doing I was reminded how many haunts are attributed to the events of the American Revolutionary War. (Around theseContinue Reading