Since July is National Ice Cream Month, I thought it’d be fun to jaunt (even if only virtually) to some haunted ice cream parlors. I didn’t actually know of any offhand, but look what Google turned up: Reid’s Ice Cream Factory – According to Long Island Oddities, Reid’s wasn’t anContinue Reading

I can’t wait until Movie Monday to talk about some movie news I have today. TONTINE MASSACRE First off, I made of point of watching the exclusive sneak peak of Tontine Massacre today. I loved the audition tapes it started out with. (Oh, and before I say more, it wasContinue Reading

I posted a new Discussions topic on the HJ FB Page: “Spirits Who Help: Ghosts or Angels?” Here’s what I posted there: I’ve been contemplating this for a long time. I always enjoy the Guardian Angel stories in Woman’s World, but am sometimes perplexed by Doreen Virtue’s suggestions. She oftenContinue Reading

It has been a loooong time since I had anything to post for Movie Monday, but today I finally do: the Tontine Massacre. I happened to spot the ad for it this afternoon on my very own blog. I was coming to use my handy blog exchange buttons to clickContinue Reading

The title sounds like the start of a joke, doesn’t it? “Why do ghosts like spaghetti so much?” Trouble is, I don’t have a killer punchline. Heck, forget it being killer. I simply have no punchline period! I just have the question, sparked in part by one of Julie’s postsContinue Reading

I meant to share this yesterday. (That’s when I found out about it, but it’s been going on since June 18. Dang. Wish I’d been paying better attention!) At any rate, Chad from Chateau GRRR is running a really cool online treasure hunt: “Ghost Pirate Pete’s Treasure Hunt.” Booty (akaContinue Reading

It dawned on me last night as I was falling asleep that I forgot to thank Ashley Pattison from Henry Holt and Co. for sending me Wendy Webb’s The Tale of Halcyon Crane to review. Without her contacting me I never would’ve had a copy of it to giveaway. So,Continue Reading

I forgot to draw the winner of Wendy Webb’s The Tale of Halcyon Crane yesterday. Please accept my apologies! We had six entrants. I gave them each a number based on the order in which they left their comment. Then I used one of my favorite free online toys,’sContinue Reading

Do you remember Elizabeth Eagan Cox, author of the Shannon Delaney paranormal mysteries? Her name might ring a bell because either you’re already familiar with her novels or because she also: Wrote a guest blog here about Colonial Williamsburg Helped HJ celebrate its one year anniversary by donating a copyContinue Reading

Kate Lang Johnson, who plays Tori Fairchild on NBC’s “Persons Unknown”, took some time to answer a few questions I had. I’m really excited about what she had to say. I hope you will be too. The Q&A follows below. I read that you’ve got “an appetite for travel andContinue Reading

I had the pleasure of receiving a complimentary copy of Wendy Webb’s The Tale of Halcyon Crane. I recently finished it and finally have the chance to review it. Because I’m a writer myself, I have a tendency to be overly critical of other writers. Especially ones who have writtenContinue Reading

Okay, so I’m not the brightest bulb in the box. Sometimes (most times) it takes me a few tries to get things right. When I started this Facebook page it was back during chemo days. (I blame that! Just kidding. Actually there was a reason for my madness…) Back thenContinue Reading