I’m continuing something I set out to do for 2010, which is chatting with other bloggers about Haunt Jaunting. The wonderful and wordsmith-gifted Julie from Above the Norm graciously agreed to participate, so she’s the next lucky victim -er, I mean subject –of my experiment. Why Above the Norm? AfterContinue Reading

I finally had the chance to watch National Geographic’s American Paranormal “Haunted Prison” episode all the way through. Loved it, because it showed real science and procedures. However, I also hated it…because it showed real science and procedures. REASONS WHY I LOVED IT THEORIES – Oh my. What a novelContinue Reading

Nighttime Facade of Eastern State Photographer Tom Bernard

In “The Dark Side of the Ghost Hunters Effect” I wrote “…if you want to investigate there with your team? Be prepared to shell out upwards of two grand (if not more)…for four hours.” in reference to Eastern State Penitentiary’s paranormal investigation prices. That seemed to get a lot ofContinue Reading

When Dane Whitehead of Phasma Ex Machina asked if I’d be interested in being a part of their “6 Questions With” series, I thought that was cool enough. But today I finally had a chance to check emails. (We have friends in and then we got all this snow I’veContinue Reading

Just in time for Friday Fun my friend Brenda sent me a fun email with a sort of ghostly looking image of Albert Einstein. Or is it really Marilyn Monroe? If you’re looking at it from close range, like while you’re seated right in front of your computer, it looksContinue Reading

Thanks to one of my Google alerts, I stumbled upon a new-to-me blog I figured some of the rest of you might like to know about if you don’t already: Ghost Lounge. The post that came up in my “paranormal travel” Google alert was “Whatever Happened to ‘Most Haunted’ onContinue Reading

A big shout out goes to Autumnforest for sending me this link: http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/channel/videos/feeds/cv-seo/Science–Technology/American-Paranormal/. American Paranormal sort of quietly burst on the scene, but it’s slowly gaining buzz as it spreads from blogger to blogger and paranormal enthusiast to paranormal enthusiast. There’s two episodes so far: Haunted Prison, which is anContinue Reading

ATrueOriginall left a comment on one of my other posts with an interesting observation. It was in reference to a mention I made on  “Noteworthy Blogs: GhostTheory”. In that post I listed some specific GhostTheory articles which I felt made that a noteworthy blog, including “Donna Lacroix Talks: Secrets BehindContinue Reading

A while back I wrote about the Ghost Hunters effect being an Oprah-esque boon for paranormal tourism. Ghost Hunters has certainly sparked the imaginations of the masses. Smart non-profits found a way to cash in on that by offering ghost hunts to help supplement their revenue streams. However, during myContinue Reading

If you’re thinking I already covered Dark Moon Rising on Movie Monday once before, you’re not mistaken. I did. For a refresher, click here. However, last week the movie’s writer/director, Dana Mennie, stopped and left a comment on that post. (Which I copied and pasted below.) He shared some additionalContinue Reading

The Booth House in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, which locals also know as the “Haunted Cottage of Harpers Ferry,” is about to get a new moniker when it’s opened to the public as the Paranormal History Museum and Paranormal Studies Training Center. Yep, it’s finally happened. A place dedicated toContinue Reading

I can almost hear some of you moaning, “Please, Courtney, stop! You’re killing us. Enough with the ghost hunting shows already. Haven’t you covered them ad nauseam this week? Do you really need to tell us about another one?” Yep. This one’s a little bit different from Paranormal Cops, BelieversContinue Reading