This morning on Today I watched Matt Lauer talk with Priscilla Presley about Elvis’s 75th birthday and some of the celebrations Graceland has planned in honor of that event. I couldn’t help but wonder, “Will Elvis’s ghost show up at all?” Especially when Priscilla said, “I can visualize him comingContinue Reading

I haven’t done a Friday Fun post the past couple of weeks because I figured Christmas then New Year’s, which both fell on Fridays, were enough fun themselves. However, to kick off 2010, I thought I’d present you with something sure to appeal to your paranormal sensibilities as well asContinue Reading

Now that I’ve established some relationships with a few other bloggers, I thought it’d be fun do something different in 2010: talk with them about Haunt Jaunts (and a few other things). To kick things off, I picked one of my favorites: none other than the Haunt Jaunts Best ofContinue Reading

Dr. Neil Gammell collects eDNA samples from the waters of Loch Ness

Today Gary at Ghost Theory posted “The end of Nessie: Researchers fear Loch Ness monster may be dead.” Gary started off his article saying how, as a kid, the idea of the Loch Ness Monster fascinated him. Me too. But, also like Gary, the older I’ve gotten the less inclinedContinue Reading

Now that winter’s well underway, maybe your thoughts have turned to a Haunt Jaunt where you can also hit the slopes. I grew up in Colorado, so I grew up hearing about a couple of haunted ski resorts. (The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park popped in my mind first andContinue Reading

It depends on who you talk to in Key West, but some know one of their more interesting characters as Robert the Haunted Doll, while others prefer to call him Robert the Enchanted Doll. No matter what adjective they ascribe to him, they all know about Robert the Doll. AsContinue Reading

I don’t know about where you live, but it’s cold here in Nashville today. Not as cold as a lot of other parts of the country, but darn cold compared to what it should be. Our highs the last couple of days (upper 20s, low 30s) have been what ourContinue Reading

I didn’t visit a psychic, nor am I one (just a sensitive), so this isn’t a prediction of what I expect to come Haunt Jaunts way in 2010. Rather, it’s a sneak peak of some of the stories I plan to write about in the year ahead, as well asContinue Reading

I decided to create a Haunt Jaunts “Best of” 2009 Award as I was taking stock of this past year and all the highlights. One of the tops has been creating Haunt Jaunts. If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you might know Haunt Jaunts became my “getContinue Reading

Here’s something you don’t run across every day: a publishing house with a resident ghost that specializes in horror, suspense, dark fantasy and science fiction. But that’s exactly the story at Pill Hill Press. I have to give credit to my friend Chris Verstraete for bringing this to my attention.Continue Reading

My friend Jade Walker recently got married. For their honeymoon, she and her husband spent a month touring Europe. (That was their dream. They’d been saving for it ever since I first met her, back when I was writing for When she got back she mentioned they’d had anContinue Reading

When I wrote about the faked evidence Ghost Hunters doesn’t want you to see, my intention was to accomplish something akin to this quote by Margaret Meade: “I was brought up to believe that the only thing worth doing was to add to the sum of accurate information in theContinue Reading