I woke up Christmas morning and made a Haunt Jaunt to the Christmas tree. To my delight, I unwrapped a bounty of cool ghost gifts! SPOOKTASTIC READING My friend Jade sent me this book for Christmas. I am REALLY excited to read it. I had never heard of it before,Continue Reading

Haunt Jaunts extends Season’s Greetings to all! Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice, or nothing in particular, we wish you and yours Happy Holidays. And we hope you enjoy the slower pace today brings…unless of course you have family galore and find yourselves rushing to and fro. (WhenContinue Reading

There’s no going back now. Whether you’ve been naughty or nice, your fate is sealed. The NoN List is in Santa’s hot little hands, and guess what else those hands are busy doing? Yep, guiding his sleigh. That’s right. According to NORAD’s Santa Tracker, Santa’s already up and about. AsContinue Reading

I came across a press release about the Hollywood Ghost Hunters last week, but (like with most everything else) I didn’t have time to get to it then. However, in keeping with the theme of Movie Monday today, I figured it’d fit in nicely today. Two things caught my eyeContinue Reading

I have not been as excited to share a Movie Monday trailer with you as I am to share this one for Phasma Ex Machina. I was a little worried I might not have a Movie Monday blog this week. Then I checked my followers on Twitter and saw @PhasmaExMachinaContinue Reading

< p style=”text-align: left;”> Last night I was goofing around on Twitter and noticed @HauntJaunts‘  followers was 12 away from 500. I was planning on sending a Tweet today to the effect, “Santa, it would be really exciting to see 500 followers for Christmas.” I never got the chance. ThisContinue Reading

You know how I’ve been writing about Ghost TV shows lately? (Ghost TV Shows: Good for Paranormal Tourism, Bad for Paranormal Research, A Few More Thoughts About Ghost TV Shows, and The NY Times Takes on Ghost TV Shows) Well, Loyd Auerbach, who I actually consulted regarding my “Haunted orContinue Reading

Granted, I’ve been pretty harsh on ghost TV shows lately. (Ghost TV Shows: Good for Paranormal Tourism, Bad for Paranormal Research and A Few More Thoughts About Ghost TV Shows). But that’s because I’m passionate about the paranormal and think some of these shows are doing paranormal research an injustice.Continue Reading

Twitter never lets me down, you know that? Since I rarely get to the theaters anymore, and even watching DVDs at home has been lacking lately, I’m not as in the know as I used to be about coming attractions. But Twitter’s been fixing that. I’ve had some interesting-looking moviesContinue Reading

I received an interesting email about The Paranormal Activity Home Entertainment Sweepstakes. Enter to win a red-carpet screening in your home (with press and all) plus a home entertainment system. Entries will be accepted until 12:01 p.m. EST on December 18, 2009. They’ll pick a winner that same day. ParanormalContinue Reading

Okay, I think Smartphones are pretty cool. I haven’t admitted this to anyone before, but I’m fessing up now: I secretly want an iPhone. At the moment I can’t afford one, and Heaven only knows what I’d do with one if I got it. (Likely get in more trouble thanContinue Reading

I love pingbacks and trackbacks. I love when I can leave them on other people’s blogs, and I get tickled pink when I find them on any of my posts. Take this morning for instance. I logged on to try and do some last minute online Christmas shopping. (It’s notContinue Reading