I received an interesting email about The Paranormal Activity Home Entertainment Sweepstakes. Enter to win a red-carpet screening in your home (with press and all) plus a home entertainment system. Entries will be accepted until 12:01 p.m. EST on December 18, 2009. They’ll pick a winner that same day. ParanormalContinue Reading

Okay, I think Smartphones are pretty cool. I haven’t admitted this to anyone before, but I’m fessing up now: I secretly want an iPhone. At the moment I can’t afford one, and Heaven only knows what I’d do with one if I got it. (Likely get in more trouble thanContinue Reading

I love pingbacks and trackbacks. I love when I can leave them on other people’s blogs, and I get tickled pink when I find them on any of my posts. Take this morning for instance. I logged on to try and do some last minute online Christmas shopping. (It’s notContinue Reading

This week for Friday Fun I’m deviating away from ghosts to feature my other passion: zombies. I found this next bit of fun via Javier Ortega’s post about “We’re Alive.” I came across it in my attempt to catch up on all the posts I’ve missed on the various blogsContinue Reading

I’ve been talking about this for a few weeks now. Or at least hinting at it here and there on my blog and in comments I’ve left on other people’s blogs. But today I’m finally going to start my “Haunted or Hype?” series. IT ALL STARTED WHEN… Back in October,Continue Reading

Apparently when I wrote about Ghost TV shows the other day (Ghost TV Shows: Good for Paranormal Tourism, Bad for Paranormal Research) I didn’t get it all out of my system. I have a few more thoughts to share. KEEP IT IN PERSPECTIVE As I wrote about in my firstContinue Reading

I know, yet another face lift. This makes like how many in the past two months? I’ve lost count myself. If I may, let me explain… After Autumnforest and Susan left comments pointing out the small font on the other style I just picked last week, I couldn’t rest. ButContinue Reading

Today’s movie, Psych: 9, is another one I found thanks to Twitter. (Specifically, @Psych9 following me. I always check out followers, saw their YouTube link, and, well, here we are today…) This one looks pretty promising. It’s cast of characters include Sara Foster (she’s on the new 90210), Cary ElwesContinue Reading

I have to get something off my chest. I’ve noticed a trend develop in some of the blogs I follow. Lately many of my fellow bloggers have been feeling as disgruntled, dissatisfied and disillusioned with the same thing I have: ghost TV shows. CAN’T GET NO SATISFACTION Either in theirContinue Reading

It would be more apropos to label this post “Freaky Friday Fun.” I came across it earlier this week and after I jumped and had a good laugh at myself, I knew I had to share it. It’s been around for a while, so for some of you it willContinue Reading

I know in my Black Friday post last week I admitted I’m not much of a shopper. Yet not only did that post focus on shopping, but so did my second Friday Fun post from last week about Unique Christmas Gifts. Guess what? Today’s Friday Fun is also shopping-oriented.(Hey, ’tisContinue Reading

I always learn something when I travel. Which is nice. Then I can pass the tips along to others who might not have thought to ask certain questions or taken certain things into consideration before setting out on their quests either. On our Haunt Jaunt to Key West and NassauContinue Reading