Ever since the Destination Truth “Island of the Dolls” episode (click here to read a great recap about the show from Above the Norm) I’m noticing creepy dolls. For instance, Autumnforest of Ghost Hunting Theories is incorporating all sorts of dolls into the decorations for her Halloween party. (Click hereContinue Reading

I am super excited to announce that I will be adding two extra prizes to my Halloween Gift Card Extravaganza Giveaway courtesy of PublishingWorks: Haunted Cemeteries of New England and Haunted Hikes of New Hampshire. I may have to adjust the name, since the giveaway will now include more thanContinue Reading

Earlier this month I explained the things I lived through that made 2008 such a catastrophic year for me. Included was the shock of discovering someone I played volleyball with (and saw on a weekly basis and joked around with) was arrested for being the Wooded Rapist, a serial rapistContinue Reading

Blogs written by other people are not the only things I am behind on this week. There are also my invaluable Google Alerts. One from Tuesday included “VIDEO! Disneyland Park Ghost Spotted: Fans think it is Walt Disney” by Anaheim Disney Examiner Jodi Jill. Ghosts caught on tape always intrigueContinue Reading

Last week I mentioned how for the fiberdoodles Halloween Blog Party that I will be participating in, which starts October 19, I decided to do a giveaway.  Well, I can not stand it any longer! I am ready to get the party started NOW! So…Let the pre-party begin! THE PRIZESContinue Reading

Another fun contest I ran across today as I caught up on reading all the blogs I follow but am behind on was at the Raven Happy Hour Blog. It was about how Harlequin Nocturne Bites and Sony are sponsoring a Halloween Costume contest. The grand prize is a $199Continue Reading

I am a bit behind in reading blogs, so I only today discovered among the giveaways that MarZel is doing on her blog, The Play of Light and Shadows, is a Ghost Finder Camera. This thing is really cool! It guarantees ghosts turn up in your photos! (And I didContinue Reading

That”s not me in the photo, but it”s definitely how I feel. Today when I made my first post I noticed every time I hit save I ended up with an extra apostrophe. I thought it was something I”d done. (Silly me. Why”d I hit shift and put in quotesContinue Reading

Some of you already know that Haunt Jaunts welcomes guest bloggers, but today I decided to make it official. I added a new page to the blog: Want to be a Guest Blogger? It details who can guest blog and what they are welcome to write about. Basically, anyone isContinue Reading

Today I noticed something new on Twitter. One of the Trending Topics on Tuesdays are usually Travel Tuesday (aka #traveltuesday), but this afternoon I noticed one I hadn’t before: Charity Tuesday (aka #charitytuesday). STUMBLING ACROSS THE GENTLEMEN’S FUND SEARCH Sometimes life is just Providential. I ended up discovering that besidesContinue Reading

Some of you may recall a post I made a couple months back about a paranormal tourism company looking for ghost tour beta testers in southeast Wisconsin. It had come to my attention after the company’s owner, Susan Scot Fry, left a comment on another post about state tourism officesContinue Reading

Saturday night my husband and I caught up with some fellow University of Arizona Wildcat Alum (aka the Music City Cats) at the Arrington Vineyards. Arrington is a little hamlet 25 miles south of Nashville. The vineyard is only about 15 miles from where we live though. I’ve seen aContinue Reading