This week I thought it’d be fun to Haunt Jaunt to some of the places noted for their fabulous fall foliage. And what better place to start with than New England? Moreover, what compliments any jaunt to New England better than staying at one of their famed B&Bs? I usedContinue Reading

What does the photo look like to you? Eyes right? That’s what made me choose it. It kind of had an eerie/otherworldly sort of quality to it. Keeps in theme with the blog. However, as I discovered, it’s not actually eyes. When I clicked on the image to download it,Continue Reading

Okay, I’ve been inspired by Mrs. B and her 31 Days of Halloween, Sharon’s fiberdoodles Halloween Blog Party, and MarZel’s Play of Light and Shadows October giveaways to have some Halloween fun too. I figured why not splurge and do a Christmas at Halloween kind of thing by giving away…what?Continue Reading

This week both Autumnforest of Ghost Hunting Theories and Julie at Above the Norm made posts concerning Chernobyl. Good topic as it was also the subject of one of the investigations on Destination Truth this week. In fact, Julie’s post was about the DT episode. Autumnforest’s was a video fromContinue Reading

I’m nuts for Twitter. It would have driven me nuts before (as in before I started doing Haunt Jaunts), but for blogging purposes? WONDERFUL! It’s an invaluable tool. I wish I had taken advantage of it when I was still blogging for I have learned a ton, and IContinue Reading

Yesterday I wrote about how one of the things I love doing during the Halloween season is checking out all the decorations people put up. Since this will be our fourth Halloween in Nashville, I know where some of the best decked out houses are. Over the next few weeksContinue Reading

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! Halloween High Season is HERE! (I always consider the first day of October the start of it all. Hey, some people break out their whites during Memorial Day. October is all about the orange and black for me, baby!) But I’m not alone. IContinue Reading

I’ve noticed on some blogs that they have buttons saying, “Help keep my blog AdSense free by donating from time to time.” I’m not one of those blogs, nor do I have plans to become one. (Although, I am half tempted to put up a donation button to test ifContinue Reading

This morning I read an email from Patty of A Haunting We Will Go. I had left a comment on her Haunted Town post along with a question and she followed up with a personal email answering me. In addition to her response, she happened to mention some experiences herContinue Reading

Today I got an email from my friend JuJu. (Well, her real name is Judy, but I call her JuJu or Judykins.) Her subject line read: CHEESEY DIPPINDUNKIN. Well, if there’s one thing you must know about me besides I like to travel and I’m into ghosts, I ADORE food.Continue Reading

One day I’d like to Haunt Jaunt across the pond to the UK. Yesterday I came across an article that would help me focus my jaunts when I do. Nigel Bunyan of the Telegraph wrote an article “More ghosts appear in Kent than elsewhere in UK, finds research.” It wasContinue Reading

Last week Gummerfan wrote about Land Between the Lakes. It reminded me that’s a place my husband and I have not yet checked out, but one that was on my list. I mentioned reading Gummerfan’s post to my husband. Wayne promptly suggested, “Let’s do it this weekend!” So, inspired fromContinue Reading