If you couldn’t cash in on JetBlue’s All-You-Can-Jet deal for some Haunt Jaunting fun check out Southwest’s $59-$109 one-way bargain fares deal. DETAILS ABOUT THE $59-$109 ONE-WAY DEAL Fares don’t include taxes. Expect to pay an extra $3.60 Federal Excise Tax per takeoff and landing, airport -assessed passenger facility charges upContinue Reading

  Pamela K. Kinney is the author of Haunted Richmond, Virginia, and her newest release, Haunted Virginia: Legends, Myths, and True Tales. I dared to contact her about whether she’d be interested in being interviewed and to my delight she said she would! Below is the result of our Q&A session. IContinue Reading

I like to give people the heads up if I know in advance I won’t be posting for more than a few days. That way you won’t wonder if I’ve abandoned the blog permanently or not. This weekend my husband and I will be helping his grandparents celebrate their 70thContinue Reading

You may recall a blog not too long ago where I mentioned a paranormal pal of mine was launching Fun with Donna, a paranormal party business?  Well I thought it’d be fun to interview Donna, so without further ado here’s our Q&A exchange. Courtney Mroch: How long have you been aContinue Reading

Some might think ghosts and sex are a perfectly odd match, not a perfect one, but I find more and more they go together. GHOSTS & GOOD TIME GIRLS I first noticed it last year when we took a cruise to Alaska. One of the ports was Skagway and oneContinue Reading

Yesterday I heard about JetBlue’s $599 All-You-Can-Jet pass and thought, “Wow. Think of all the Haunt Jaunts you could hit!” THE ALL-YOU-CAN-JET PASS In case you haven’t heard about JetBlue’s unlimited travel pass, here’s the scoop: It costs $599 It’s good for one month: September 8 through October 8 YouContinue Reading

I finally figured out what my trouble with The Othersiders is. Actually, troubles, as there’s more than one thing that bothers me about the show. TROUBLE 1 The producers are trying to make viewers buy that these kids are experienced investigators. Granted, they are getting experience, but they’re trying to sell themContinue Reading

Last week was the HauntJaunts.net blog overhaul, this week was the making of a HauntJaunts.net promotional video. Why all the fuss? Because I made up my mind that September 1 will be the official launch of HauntJaunts.net. It’s going to be a bit of a push. I have a lot of entriesContinue Reading

Yesterday, after I applied Ghost Hunting Theories’ “Haunting Formula” to Haunt Jaunts, I realized Waverly Hills Sanatorium is now a Haunt Jaunt. Not that it hasn’t always been. Waverly Hills is a prime haunt to jaunt to for many paranormal investigators, but you used to need to get the owner’s permissionContinue Reading

Some of you might also follow Autumnforest’s blog Ghost Hunting Theories, but if not she recently posted the results of her “Haunting Formula” research. I was really excited about her research, which even she admits was ambitious, because it was that –ambitious. But potentially very useful, and definitely very interesting.Continue Reading

  Photo from stock.xchng  > Welcome to HauntJaunts.net’s new blog! Well, it’s not new. It’s still going to have the same Haunt Jaunts content as before, but it’s got a new look and address. WHY THE MOVE? I would have set up using WordPress to start with, but back whenContinue Reading

Logo by I thought I’d give you a quick update on HauntJaunts.net’s progress. I know some of you are interested when it’ll finally be launched. (Especially those of you whose stories I accepted. I know you want to know when you’ll get paid!) Hopefully by September 1. I got aContinue Reading