I’ve been thinking a lot about convincing evidence when it comes to definitive proof that ghosts exist. Sure the TAPS team of Ghost Hunters fame have captured a lot of interesting and thought-provoking evidence, but have they captured actual proof? Have any ghost hunter groups, whether on TV or otherwise?Continue Reading

The Ghost Adventures team had pretty big shoes to fill when they headed to investigate Eastern State Penitentiary. That was one of Ghost Hunters best shows. (The first visit. I don’t know if I was as impressed with the evidence from their second visit.) One thing I’m coming to noticeContinue Reading

With the Tour de France well underway, I thought it’d be interesting to take a ghost tour of France. The trouble is, I had a hard time finding ghost stories from France!LOST IN TRANSLATION?I figured finding ghost tours in France, or ghost stories from France, would be as easy asContinue Reading

Recently I wrote about how some historical organizations are using haunt jaunts as fundraisers. Now I’ve come across an article about how state tourism departments are realizing haunt jaunts as revenue streams. ALABAMA’S “GHOST TRAIL” Yesterday I read a great article by Marty Roney on MontgomeryAdvertiser.com called “Alabama’s ‘ghost trail’Continue Reading

We’re back from our Haunt Jaunt to Gulf County, Florida, otherwise known as Florida’s Forgotten Coast. All I can say is, I don’t know what was harder to find: a place to eat or a ghost. WHERE WE STAYED Actually, finding a place to eat wasn’t all that hard. ItContinue Reading

I’m very excited to share that Flashes in the Dark published my flash “My Nightmare” yesterday. Yep, I’m still away but I hijacked my husband’s computer really quick this morning to make sure my story had been published. Then I figured why not share it here. That way I couldContinue Reading

Sometimes the best kind of Haunt Jaunt (especially in the heat of summer) is to an air-conditioned movie theater. Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m supposed to be on vacation. I am. But before I left I decided I didn’t want to totally abandon my blog so…I thought I’d post somethingContinue Reading

As I wrote last week, we’re heading out on a Haunt Jaunt to Gulf County, Florida. For those who have been following me, I just wanted to give you the heads up that my posts may be sporadic, or even nil, until we get back. (Sort of depends on ifContinue Reading

Increasingly I’m noticing a trend in some of my Google Alerts: stories about Haunt Jaunts as fundraising venues. Especially for historical societies and foundations. This weekend I came across another one. How the Vaughan-Smitherman Museum in Alabama recently did a ghost hunt as a fundraiser. Specifically, The Friends of theContinue Reading

After I posted my entry about haunted travel sites yesterday, I came across yet another travel site: Roadside America, an online guide to offbeat tourist attractions. Its focus isn’t necessarily restricted to haunted places, though. It’s a smorgasboard of things. WHAT YOU CAN FIND ON ROADSIDE AMERICA As travel sitesContinue Reading

In yesterday’s post I mentioned how HauntJaunts.net is not a one-of-a-kind, there are other haunted travel sites out there. What are they? I listed them yesterday, but they’re worth noting again: THE OTHER HAUNTED TRAVEL SITES A Ghost in My Suitcase The Haunted Traveler TravelParanormal.com NOT SUCH A NOVEL CONCEPTContinue Reading