I thought we might have a little fun this week, since my previous Photo Fridays seem to mostly be morbid and gruesome (and mildly upsetting, when faced with the truth that the internet is full of lies.) So instead, I want to spend some time on the colorful side ofContinue Reading

Today we’re going to be talking about something a little different: Urban Exploration. Also known as Urbex, it’s the hobby of entering old abandoned buildings or similar locations, and just exploring the heck out of them. Snooping in and out of rooms, going through objects left behind, exposing yourself toContinue Reading

While there exist a number of different instances of Spirit Photography tricking the masses into believing the paranormal (future posts incoming, wink wink), today we’re going to focus our attention on the emergence, starting with the father of Spirit Photos, William H. Mumler.Continue Reading

In last week’s photo installment we talked about The Myths Surrounding Post Mortem Photography. Today, we’re going to continue in this same time frame of the Victorian era and daguerreotype photography, but instead of the dead, we’re going to focus on the most energetic and lively of people: children. AsContinue Reading

I love anything vintage. Literally anything. Vintage homes, vintage clothing, vintage decorations, just the overall vintage aesthetic and you can count me in. And so, naturally, when I first stumbled upon Post Mortem Photography (also known as Memorial Photography and Mourning Portraits), I was immediately enamoured by the history. (JustContinue Reading

  Whether you’re an avid fan of horror movies, or only a casual one, surely everyone is aware of the horror movie tropes that plague the theaters. Sometimes you see a trailer, an opening scene, or even just the title of a certain film, and you can already guess howContinue Reading

Whether you’re an avid fan of horror movies, or only a casual one, surely everyone is aware of the horror movie tropes that plague the theaters. Sometimes you see a trailer, an opening scene, or even just the title of a certain film, and you can already guess how it’sContinue Reading