If you have been to the south there is no doubt that you have encountered a bottle tree. According to the legend, spirits are attracted to the blue bottles; as they go into the bottle to investigate they cannot find their way out and are trapped. At night when youContinue Reading

Has anyone heard of the Christmas tree ship? Perhaps some of the old timers have. From 1898 till 1912, Captain Schuenemann was the skipper of the Christmas Tree Ship. Bringing hundreds of Christmas trees across Lake Michigan to Chicago area residents, the skipper was known for his generosity and wasContinue Reading

Even after death, Marie Laveau works her voodoo magick. During her long life, not one person who knocked at her door was turned away. Now visitors and residents to New Orleans flock to her grave -knock on her door and leave an offering asking for help. The Voodoo Queen wasContinue Reading