Staten Island's most haunted places - ferry sign with ghost

Why did it take years before I talked about Staten Island’s haunted places with Odd & Untold’s Jason Stroming? Over the years (almost 15!), he’s often mentioned Staten Island’s haunted places and suggested places I should check out if (when) I ever visit his New York borough. It seems soContinue Reading

Kelly Ireland, Corine Carey, and Leanne Sallenback in History's Most Haunted

When Haunted Gold Rush premiered last year on Canada’s T+E (basically, the equivalent of Travel Channel), it busted a paranormal glass ceiling. It was the first mainstream ghost-hunting show featuring an all-female cast. This year, Corine Carey, Leanne Sallenback, and Kelly Ireland return with History’s Most Haunted, a new series premieringContinue Reading

Jack Osbourne's mom Sharon experiences medical mystery during Night of Terror episode

It looks like the Warner Bros. Discovery merger didn’t kill all Travel Channel paranormal shows after all. In addition to a new season of The Dead Files starting September 7, Jack Osbourne’s Night of Terror returns on October 1. However, talk about a hell of a way to start theContinue Reading

Steve DiSchiavi and Cindy Kaza The Dead Files poster

Behold the “new look” for The Dead Files, which Travel Channel released along with the announcement about forthcoming new episodes. That answers questions some had after “Shadows of Death” aired, a.k.a. The Dead Files episode where psychic medium Cindy Kaza officially replaced Amy Allan. Namely, would the show be back,Continue Reading

Gayle Rankin in Stewart Thorndike’s BAD THINGS. Courtesy of Shudder. A Shudder Release.

The much-buzzed about horror movie Bad Things hits Shudder and AMC+ on Friday, August 18. The fact that it takes place in a haunted hotel piqued my interest, but these reviewer blurbs grabbed it even more: “Perfectly eerie and driven by feminine rage. Rankin is exceptional.” ~Coleman Spilde, The DailyContinue Reading

Map of Pennsylvania with Ghost Rides and Horror Film Trail badges

Does VisitPA have actual physical badges of their trip and trail guides? Or are they for display only on their website? I don’t know. However, there are two guides (and badges) ghost enthusiasts and horror movie lovers would love: Ghost Rides and the Horror Film Trail, a.k.a. Trail of theContinue Reading

AI third eye psychic ability

What would happen if you asked AI chat services like Bard or ChatGPT, “What are some ways to test your psychic abilities?” Would they kick back the same answer? Or would they have different responses? Would one be more useful than the other? I’m always curious about how they’ll answerContinue Reading

The Glass Coffin Vampire Parlour Exterior

At first blush, Austin, Texas, may seem like a peculiar place for Lugosi’s Vampire Museum to open. However, Austin is sort of evolving into a vampire hub. What they lack in Dracula-inspired lore, they make up for with what many might consider his familiars: bats. Because of the colony ofContinue Reading

Psychic crystal ball with danger skull and crossbones warnings sign in it

“Who knew there were dangers of being psychic?” I remember thinking once upon a time while listening to a program on the now-defunct Paramania Radio. Psychics Vicki Johns and Leo Bonomo were discussing the downsides of their abilities. Johns talked about people judging you, sometimes ostracizing you. It’s why she’dContinue Reading

The Dreams Interpreter Deedee Jebrail

Are dreams just weird, fleeting visions that sometimes we remember, and sometimes we don’t? Or is there something more to them? “It may just be part of a bigger puzzle,” Deedee, the Dreams Interpreter, said at one point during our chat. “But that’s the point. Is your putting…you’re solving aContinue Reading

Photo of Christina Boyer nee Tina Resch with flying phone

The Demons & Saviors synopsis explained that the three-part docuseries would tell “the remarkable story of Christina Boyer –once infamously known as the ‘poltergeist girl,’ now a woman convicted of murdering her three-year-old daughter.” The trouble is, did she really murder her daughter, or was she wrongly convicted? That’s whatContinue Reading

Loch Ness Centre & Exhibition exterior

“Calling all monster hunters,” one of the Good Morning America hosts stated today. “The Loch Ness Centre in Scotland is looking for volunteers to join an effort to search for the infamous Loch Ness Monster. Putting out the call to help them put on the largest search since the 1970s,Continue Reading