This morning I read an email from Patty of A Haunting We Will Go. I had left a comment on her Haunted Town post along with a question and she followed up with a personal email answering me. In addition to her response, she happened to mention some experiences herContinue Reading

Today I got an email from my friend JuJu. (Well, her real name is Judy, but I call her JuJu or Judykins.) Her subject line read: CHEESEY DIPPINDUNKIN. Well, if there’s one thing you must know about me besides I like to travel and I’m into ghosts, I ADORE food.Continue Reading

One day I’d like to Haunt Jaunt across the pond to the UK. Yesterday I came across an article that would help me focus my jaunts when I do. Nigel Bunyan of the Telegraph wrote an article “More ghosts appear in Kent than elsewhere in UK, finds research.” It wasContinue Reading

Last week Gummerfan wrote about Land Between the Lakes. It reminded me that’s a place my husband and I have not yet checked out, but one that was on my list. I mentioned reading Gummerfan’s post to my husband. Wayne promptly suggested, “Let’s do it this weekend!” So, inspired fromContinue Reading

Today I got a very disturbing email from one of my husband’s friends. Wayne has known this guy, who I’ll simply refer to as Big J, for years –since the mid-90s when we lived in Phoenix and they worked together for a company there. Big J and his family areContinue Reading

Okay, so admittedly I’m a big freakin’ chicken when it comes to investigating haunted houses of the Halloween variety, but I love them nonetheless. I love their spirit (or spirits as the case may be) and I love what they represent. I love that they allow people of all agesContinue Reading

One widget my WordPress theme didn’t automatically come with that I missed from Blogger was a poll. I finally figured out how to search for and add plugins. (Well, I sort of knew how to do it already, but it only recently dawned on me to search for a pollContinue Reading

My husband and I recently made a trip back to our hometown of Denver, Colorado. It’s where we were both raised, where we met, where we fell in love…heck, even where we got married even though we were living in Phoenix at that time. While we were back this timeContinue Reading

I’m always excited when I come across tourism departments that promote paranormal tourism. Today I discovered another one when I read an article published by The City Wire about the new “Haunted Arkansas” web page on the Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism’s web site. Haunted Arkansas appears under theirContinue Reading

Are you familiar with something called “The Oprah Effect?” I’m not sure who coined the term, but CNBC’s Carl Quintanilla explored “how she turns no names into brand names.” I believe Syfy’s Ghost Hunters is having a similar effect, except not so much on no names as non-profits. More andContinue Reading

I just read “Does Your Pet See Ghosts?” on It wasn’t a very big article, but it caught my eye because (a) it had to do with ghosts, and (b) it mentioned pets. Turns out Bobby Mackey’s Music World is opening it’s doors to pets to try their pawsContinue Reading

Earlier today I announced how I’m ceasing work on the website (not the blog, just the website), but what I failed to do was mention some other haunted travel sites that I’d like to aspire to one day be like. (Well, some are not specifically travel oriented, but theyContinue Reading