HauntJaunts.net extends its sympathies to all those affected by the events that transpired on September 11, 2001, now forever known as simply 9/11. But there’s nothing simple about what happened on that day, or about all the lives lost and families and friends forever haunted by the loss of theirContinue Reading

Okay, I might have been a little late in the know (and therefore FYIing) about ScareFest, but I’m giving you a little more heads up about HorrorFind Weekend. (Not much, admittedly, but a smidgen more notice. Hey, this is my first year at all this. Next year I hope toContinue Reading

The other day JW Schnarr, an editor from Northern Frights Publishing, contacted me about reviewing Shadows of the Emerald City, an anthology set for release on October 15, 2009. While the book isn’t a ghost travel guide or anything of that nature, here’s the tagline: “Tales of Terror inspired byContinue Reading

Thanks to Twitter, and specifically a tweet by Chip Coffey, I learned about ScareFest this weekend in Lexington, Kentucky. (FYI, Mr. Coffey will also be one of the guests.) How I wasn’t aware of this, I don’t know. ScareFest boasts that it’s the largest horror and paranormal convention in theContinue Reading

I first came across Debe Branning, author of Sleeping with Ghosts: A Ghost Hunter’s Guide to Arizona’s Haunted Hotels and Inns, when I was adding ghost guides and regional ghost books to HauntJaunts.net’s Emporium. Later I learned she’s also the leader and founder of MVD Ghost Chasers Mesa Arizona and the Arizona Haunted SitesContinue Reading

I’ve been on a bit of an interviewing binge lately and my next victim –er, I mean subject— is Michael J. Varhola, author of Ghosthunting Virginia and, his latest release, Ghosthunting Maryland. Both books are part of America’s Haunted Road Trip’s series of travel guides. I knew of Mr. Varhola andContinue Reading

Recently I’ve run into a string of of Haunt Jaunts with ghosts named Lydia. The first time I noticed it was when I wrote about the Blake Street Vault. They have a ghost named Lydia. The name stood out at me because I have a friend named Lydia. In fact, she’sContinue Reading

Good day one and all. My name is Shiela Stewart. I am a paranormal romance author with a love for the things that go bump in the night. I’ve written several tales of ghost, haunting and spirits that cry out for help. And it got me thinking. What would IContinue Reading

By TwitterIcon.com I mentioned that as part of the official launch of HauntJaunts.net, I set up a Twitter account. I had been really reluctant to get involved on Twitter because I just couldn’t understand how it all worked. However, my defenses were worn down. I kept hearing about it andContinue Reading

I met paranormal romance author Shiela Stewart after posting the interview with Pamela K. Kinney. We got to chatting and the idea of both an interview and a guest blog spot came up. I was delighted when she agreed to both! Today I’m pleased to post her interview. In theContinue Reading

I am very pleased to announce the official launch of HauntJaunts.net! FYI The site’s still not complete, though. I’ve added a lot of Jaunts, but there are still a ton more in the queue. But, you know, if there’s one thing my hitchhiker has taught me it’s that life isContinue Reading

I learned two things from a Tweet by Pamela K. Kinney: (a) that Creatures n Crooks Bookshoppe will host a multi-author signing on September 12, and (b) Creatures ‘n Crooks will close at the end of September. This merited both a “COOL!: and a “Bummer!” response. I’ve never personally beenContinue Reading