Bridge to Hell

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Hell's gate Bridge
Hell’s gate Bridge – Source:

Hell’s Gate Bridge

Vehicles and pedestrians cross bridges every day without incident, but there is one bridge in Oxford, Alabama that was said to be the doom of a young couple. It is whispered and rumored to be the most haunted bridge in the state.

As the legend goes the couple was driving across the Boiling Springs Road Bridge and somehow crashed into the Choccolocco Creek below. The couple were said to have perished in the crash.

The Legends of Hell’s Gate

A couple of legends have formed from the death of the young lovers that supposedly happened sometime in the 1950’s, but no record of any crash or deaths have been turned up.

The first legend is similar to a lot of others that happen on bridges, where you stop halfway across and turn off the lights. One, if not both of the lovers will appear in the car with you. If you don’t see them, you know that they were there by the wet spot left on the seat, like they crawled from their watery graves and joined you, escaping from their eternity for a brief moment.

The other legend associated with Hell’s Gate Bridge in Oxford is a little different than most. The story goes that if you look behind you at about halfway across the structure, the scenery will change, and you will witness a portal to hell that is engulfed in flames.

Could that have been the reason the young couple crashed their car and drove into the Choccolocco Creek all those decades ago?

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The Bridge

The Boiling Springs Road Bridge was built sometime in the early 1930’s. The legends of the bridge didn’t begin to circulate until three decades later with the story of the young couple driving into the creek.

If there was an accident on the bridge, what caused it, and where did the story of the portal to hell originate? These questions have led paranormal teams out to investigate the aptly named Hell’s Gate Bridge, but the only thing they discovered were more questions.

Cars today can’t cross the old bridge. It is even to dilapidated to cross on foot, so warning signs and cement barricades are placed on either side of the bridge preventing people from legend tripping or investigating the claims of the people of Oxford.

Whatever secrets the Hell’s Gate Bridge possess will remain buried, perhaps within the car that originally started the legend.


  1. Maybe it was never repaired over the years because people were too scared to use it or work on it.

  2. That’s a very interesting question. I’m going to make sure Dusty sees your comment. Maybe he will have an answer or a follow up post. I never thought to ask that!

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