Halloween jack o lantern decorations by zodiac sign

Yes, all of Haunt Jaunts’ ravening ghouls, goblins, and ghosties, Halloween is finally here! In celebration of the season, I’ve created a Halloween decorating guide (by your zodiac sign) to help you achieve the most spookalicious setting for all your spooky season festivities. Now, what are you waiting for—it’s timeContinue Reading

House foundation underwater

Drought, rising seas, increasingly erratic weather patterns —all of these, and more, are climatic change events happening around the world. For this set of mock horoscopes, we’re diving deep into significant environmental events that impacted the course of history. Read on to find out which submerged site or drowned townContinue Reading

Bearded mans face

At the beginning of every year, psychic Antonio Vazquez calls a press conference to share his political, economic, sports, and showbiz predictions for the year ahead. The press conferences are popular and well-attended, but how accurate are the Brujo Mayor’s (Grand Witch, or in his case since he’s male, Warlock)Continue Reading

What is it with April? I’ve shared my theory here before (we’ll get to those links later) that I believe it’s a cursed month. It’s been a while since I went there though. But every April I can’t help but wonder, “What, when, where, and how will disaster strike thisContinue Reading