Five haunting nonfiction book cover releases 2022

This year is no different than any other. Several of my writer friends have released haunting new nonfiction in 2022. I’d of course love to show my support by buying and reading them all. However, constraints on both time and money don’t make that realistically possible. Of course, I canContinue Reading

101 Haunted Places Bucket Journal

The concept of bucket lists has long been popular in the world of travel. Climbing that highest mountain, visiting every National Park, flying the world’s best airlines…but what about a bucket list for paranormal travel? What if a traveler wants to choose the Stanley Hotel over a Florida resort, orContinue Reading

Screenshot from IMDB of Misunderstood Monsters cover from Come Play

One of the things I wondered as I watched Come Play was whether or not the book in it was real: Misunderstood Monsters, A Children’s Story. If you’ve seen the movie, you know what I’m talking about. If you haven’t, let me explain its importance to the plot. Misunderstood MonstersContinue Reading

Examples of Press's free gift with purchase

Do you like receiving gifts with purchase? I know I do. Earlier this year I became aware of a fun one from Press. Emerian “Emz” Rich is the managing publisher of Press. She also happens to be a friend of mine. During her Ghoulish Goodies unboxing, she mentionedContinue Reading

Plague Master Sanctuary Dome cover

Our friends over at have a new release coming out, Plague Master: Rebel Infection. We’re part of their blog promotion tour. Since the book is the second in a series, we’re the recap portion of their jaunt. Check it out. (If you haven’t read the first book, this may enticeContinue Reading

haunted house and skeleton materializing from book

This post contains affiliate links. See affiliate disclaimer here.  This is a guest contribution from Nora Mork. There are a lot of scary books. Horror writing is one of the most popular genres. Within the horror genre is the ‘haunted house’ story where innocents discover the hidden truth about theContinue Reading

This post contains affiliate links. See affiliate disclaimer here.  After writing “A Killing in Vicksburg: When Fictionalizing True Crime Goes Wrong,” I reached out to A Killing in Vicksburg author Teresa Lynn. I shared the post I’d written after she’d contacted me about her book. But before I get intoContinue Reading

The Email Last summer, a woman named Teresa Lynn used the Haunt Jaunts Contact Us form to send an email with the subject line: “A Killing in Vicksburg.” The message was only one sentence long. It read: “On June 28, 2015 ghost hunters found a body in an abandon hospitalContinue Reading

I decided it’s time to do another anthology. I’m excited to introduce this time’s theme: Haunted Playthings: 13 Tales of Terror Based on True Stories…or are they?  Another one? Yes. In case you’re new around here, or have forgotten (it has been a few years), let me explain. The first oneContinue Reading

Was I being haunted by The Haunting of Hill House? Felt like it. To say the first official Skellie’s Boo-k Club discussion meeting didn’t go well would be an understatement. Hiccups? Galore. It was a disaster. Bad Timing It all started when I noticed I’d put the wrong time inContinue Reading

Did you know Haunt Jaunts has a few different Facebook Groups and that one of them is devoted to books? It’s called Skellie’s Boo-k Club, and we’re about to start making it live up to its name and be an actual book club. That’s right. Every month we’re going to chooseContinue Reading

If you follow Haunt Jaunts on social media or YouTube, you might have seen the teaser trailer for something new coming soon to the site. It’s actually a few new somethings. If you haven’t seen any word about any teasers, consider this it. You’ll get a little more info here. JustContinue Reading