In my previous installment of Witchy Wednesday about Baba Yaga, I talked about how surprised I was in realizing she’s featured in a number of different animated films of my youth, including a few by Studio Ghibli. This got me thinking about all of the other witches I’ve come toContinue Reading

Christine (C.A.) Verstraete is the author of Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter. The Haunting of Dr. Bowen: A Mystery in Lizzie Borden’s Fall River (releasing August 4, 2017 and available for pre-order now), offers another view of the Borden murders –through the eyes of the Bordens’ neighbor and family physician, Dr.Continue Reading

In July of this year, the Smithsonian posted a call for help in translating and transcribing three ancient texts, all of which revolve around witches. The first, Cases of Conscience Concerning Evil Spirits, is a documentarian novel by Increase Mather, a Puritan minister who, though he understood and championed burningContinue Reading

This is a guest contribution from Emerian Rich of If you’re a fan of our radio show, you might recognize Emz’s name. She was one of our first guests! Her press has a new anthology out that they’re trying to spread the word about. We wanted to help. EmzContinue Reading

I finally had a chance to read Spook: Science Tackles the Afterlife, which has been out for a few years now. Mary Roach certainly did some extensive research for this book. From talking to parapsychologists who are experimenting with ways to prove “ghosts” (or how we experience them) can beContinue Reading