Belle Gibson surrounded by reporters

Netflix is usually pretty good about including trigger warnings on its content. However, it failed miserably with two of its February releases: Apple Cider Vinegar and The Search for Instagram’s Worst Con Artist. The first is a limited series inspired by con artist Belle Gibson, and the second is aContinue Reading

The Lady of the Lake documentary poster

When I saw information about a documentary with a similar title, I wondered, “Is this a companion documentary to The Lady in the Lake series on Apple TV+?” Besides sharing similar titles and subject matter, both are haunting in their own ways. But they’re different, too. Let’s explore. About The LadyContinue Reading

The Curious Case of key art

Who knew that when The Curious Case of Natalia Grace premiered, it would spawn two follow-up seasons, Natalia Speaks and The Final Chapter? Well, maybe the producers did. But maybe it was two too many? I don’t know, but now the producers are launching a new series in the sameContinue Reading

The Curious Case of Natalia Grace The Final Chapter cover

If you’ve been eager to find out why Natalia Speaks wouldn’t be the final word in the Natalia Grace saga, your wait is almost over. ID just dropped the teaser for The Curious Case of Natalia Grace: The Final Chapter, which ID is calling the third and final installment inContinue Reading

Manhattan Alien Abduction title Screenshot

Technically, The Manhattan Alien Abduction is a good docuseries if you measure it by its binge-ability. It was on my Halloween must-binge list, and I gobbled up all three episodes of the Netflix documentary pretty much in one sitting. (Except for breaks to hand out candy to trick-or-treaters.) But it’sContinue Reading

This Is the Zodiac Speaking

Are there any serial killer cases, whether solved or unsolved, that you’re just done with hearing about at this point? They’ve been analyzed and talked about to death. Can’t we just move on? I feel that way about two cases: Jack the Ripper and the Zodiac Killer case. I wasContinue Reading

The killer in Strange Harvest

2024’s Fantastic Fest –one of the largest horror and sci-fi film festivals in the world— offered tons of fantastic premieres, including hits like Terrifier 3 and V/H/S Beyond. But one of the festival’s coolest films was an under-the-radar gem, Strange Harvest: Occult Murder in the Inland Empire. Horror fans areContinue Reading

Manhattan Alien Abduction title Screenshot

“This didn’t really happen…did it?” I thought as I watched the trailer for The Manhattan Alien Abduction. Funnily enough, that’s the question at the heart of the forthcoming Netflix docuseries. One that becomes abundantly clear while watching the trailer, but that is also summed up in the tagline: “A woman claimsContinue Reading

Mastermind Ann Burgess screenshot

“Huh. So that’s what the real Wendy looks like,” I thought when I watched the trailer for Mastermind: To Think Like a Killer. At least, I was pretty sure Dr. Ann Burgess was who Wendy Carr was based on in the Netflix series Mindhunter. Wasn’t she? I thought I’d heard thatContinue Reading

Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction key art

Do you remember the 1995 short documentary The Alien Autopsy? It purported to be found footage of an autopsy of one of the aliens from the Roswell incident. It created quite a stir at the time, largely influenced by the FOX Network, which aired Alien Autopsy: (Fact or Fiction?), aContinue Reading

Expedition from Hell: The Lost Tapes key art

“Is Discovery Channel venturing into the found footage genre?” I wondered when I first heard about Expedition from Hell: The Lost Tapes. “How’s that going to work?” It was the “lost tapes” part that tripped me up. Were there really some lost tapes that someone found that would tell theContinue Reading

The Devil on Trial Netflix poster

The first words we hear from David Glatzel in Netflix’s The Devil on Trial documentary is him introducing himself. Then he explains, “When I was 11, I was possessed by the devil.” There was another documentary about the case, The Devil Made Me Do It Shock Docs, which premiered onContinue Reading