To celebrate the release of Shadow People and Cursed Objects, we’re going to give away free copies to all newsletter subscribers. That’s right. FREE! And since it’s available in both paperback and Kindle, it’ll be Subscriber’s Choice. If you prefer Kindle, great. That’s what we’ll give you. Like the feelingContinue Reading

I almost let HJ’s anniversary pass without any fan fare. For shame! Yes, I’ve neglected Haunt Jaunts something fierce the last couple of years. I’m not dedicated about posting 4-6 times a week like I was when I first started back in April 2009. (Although this week I’m coming close.Continue Reading

Haunt Jaunts is excited to welcome a new affiliate, Starline Tours.  #1 Hollywood Celebrity Tour Company – Starline Tours – Book Online NOW and Save $5! If you’ve ever jaunted out to Los Angeles or Hollywood, they’re one of the companies who offer movie stars home tours. Same thing ifContinue Reading

I know I have been very neglectful of the site lately. I have so many posts I want to write from jaunts we’ve taken even over a year ago, but Life has been busy. Last year was rife with hiccup after hiccup. Here’s just a few of the highlights: MurphyContinue Reading

Happy New Year! I’ve taken a little more time away than I had planned. That was sort of the theme of 2013. I had a bunch of big ideas and goals for Haunt Jaunts last year, but every time I turned around something new was popping up to deter me.Continue Reading

If you receive the weekly email of our posts, you know I’ve not been posting much for the past few months, and hardly anything at all this month. It’s been a hard year. It started off with me having health issues, then two my animals, both of whom are elderlyContinue Reading

In April of this year Haunt Jaunts celebrated its fourth anniversary. Unfortunately, since I was taking time off to deal with some new health and, consequently, emotional issues, I didn’t get a chance to celebrate like I normally would have. Today I would like to take a moment to celebrateContinue Reading

Last week I wrote to explain how I’ve been haunted by a new disease and that’s why HJ took a hiatus. There’s a bit more to the story I didn’t share that contributed to me stepping away for a few months. On top of starting out 2013 sick (first withContinue Reading

Hello all! I’m writing to explain why I took the past few months off. You see, I needed to regroup, re-prioritize, and in general get a grip on myself. SICK Starting last October, I kept falling ill every two weeks. Just colds really, but bad ones that left me exhaustedContinue Reading

To any who check this blog more regularly than just landing here via searches, apologies for being so quiet lately. This year has gotten off to a rocky start. I have been sick a lot to start out 2013. Then I got some health news that sort of sent meContinue Reading

This is  a sadly long overdo shout out and BIG thanks to Emily at for hooking me up with my very own Haunt Jaunts T-shirt. I had hoped to order some to perhaps sell but they are based out of the U.K. and, as Emily put it, aren’t reallyContinue Reading