Dear Paranormal Travelers and Enthusiasts, Our Find Haunted Places page was no longer cutting it. Due to the popularity of haunted locations and paranormal investigations, along with the increasing interest in paranormal tourism, more haunted sites than ever keep popping up on the Internet. Which is a great thing. WeContinue Reading

Lately Paranormal Posers are popping up everywhere. That’s how it seems anyway. I mean, they’re always around, but anymore they seem more audacious about expecting people to buy their faked paranormal evidence as real. (And in some cases I don’t mean “buy” as in “believe” but actually fork out money.) LuckilyContinue Reading

A while back Jason Stromming from The Occult Section wrote about how a community college cancelled its ghost hunter course. The course was called “Paranormal Investigations: Communicating and Cohabiting with Spirits” and was among the “fun” courses the college had to cut. (Due to budget issues and needing to focus onContinue Reading

Haunt Jaunts was hacked today. Since I don’t trust the old theme, which is how the hackers got in apparently, I chose a different theme. Please bear with us while we straighten everything out and adjust to this new design. Be sure to enter the Ghost from the Machine DVDContinue Reading

At the start of the year, I mentioned that one of the things ahead for Haunt Jaunts in 2011 was a book. Specifically, one along the lines of the Travel Guide for Restless Spirits that I had first originally envisioned Haunt Jaunts to be, well before I decided to put it inContinue Reading

One of my first Haunt Jaunts blog posts was about Cheeseman Park in Denver, Colorado. Of the 740 plus posts HJ has published, that one now has the most comments. True, some of them are mine. Replies I’ve made to comments left by others. In most cases, the comments wereContinue Reading

I’d like to take a break from my regularly scheduled haunted travel type posts to talk about the paranormal community. Something struck me the other day and now I have to get it off my chest. How many times have you seen competition within the paranormal community? (In an uglyContinue Reading

You know when you see an alleged Bigfoot or other monster video and it’s all wonky? By wonky I mean out of focus, not zoomed in, shaky, or otherwise very raw and full of flaws? Every time I see a video claiming to have caught a Bigfoot, an alien, orContinue Reading

It’s been almost 13 years since I went to Salt Lake City,  but it left an impression on me. Not only because of my spooky nights at the Shiloh Inn, but also because it was such a wonderful city to explore in the evenings after my work was done. I thoroughlyContinue Reading

For the most part, I’ve met nothing except wonderful people either when I’m out haunt jaunting or that I’ve met online because of the blog. However, every now and then I come across the person I’ve come to consider a “Paranormal Poser.” TYPES There’s a couple of different types: The “expert”Continue Reading

This past Saturday I dragged my poor husband to a past life regression meditation at Zierra Myst over in Mount Juliet. I’ve been wanting to do a past life regression ever since my neighbor in Jacksonville did one. In her case, she had it taped and was nice enough toContinue Reading