This morning I got the bright idea to post Haunt Jaunts radio show recaps  every Wednesday since I know not everyone wants to tune in to listen to a radio show. Or, in some cases, can’t. And since I just got the bright idea today, I didn’t want to ignoreContinue Reading

Okay so the big news a couple weeks back was that Haunt Jaunts would soon be coming to ParaMania Radio. I told you I’d update you with the start date when I had it. Got it! Tuesday, March 7, 2017 8 pm Eastern/ 7 pm Central The Format It’sContinue Reading

Years ago plans were put into place for Haunt Jaunts to also become a radio show. (Oh yes, one year I had  had big plans indeed: radio show, calendar, tons of travel. Ah, those were the good old days.) Anyway, I chickened out of the radio show. I didn’t thinkContinue Reading

  Whether you’re an avid fan of horror movies, or only a casual one, surely everyone is aware of the horror movie tropes that plague the theaters. Sometimes you see a trailer, an opening scene, or even just the title of a certain film, and you can already guess howContinue Reading

I’ve got some exciting news! HJ’s Ambassador of Dark and Paranormal Tourism, Courtney Mroch (a.k.a. moi), is coming out of interview retirement/exile* to appear as a guest on Scott Morrow’s The Fearless Ghost Hunter radio show. That’s right. The spell is over. I’ll be stepping into the radio spotlight again.Continue Reading

Whether you’re an avid fan of horror movies, or only a casual one, surely everyone is aware of the horror movie tropes that plague the theaters. Sometimes you see a trailer, an opening scene, or even just the title of a certain film, and you can already guess how it’sContinue Reading

Scariest Places on Earth Anchor Inn Demon screengrab

Before I talk about the Anchor Inn Exorcism on Season 1, Episode 1 of Scariest Places on Earth (remember that show?), let me tell you what sparked this story. As anyone who follows HJ on social media knows, this past weekend I attended HAuNTcon. Met some creepy cool people andContinue Reading

Happy New Year! I thought a fun way to kick off the New Year would be to look ahead at some of the horror movies coming out in 2017. There’s going to be a lot of sequels and remakes, which I’ll cover in another post. But there’s also going toContinue Reading

Happy Halloween season!!! Before we get to the Caption This info and photo, let me tell you about what else we have going on around here this month. If you like contests and giveaways, be sure to stay tuned. We’ve got some great prizes and trophies we’re going to beContinue Reading

When I was a kid, there was two things I really cared about to escape the real world. I watched a lot of Classic 60s TV, like “The Andy Griffith Show,” “Bewitched,” “The Munsters” and “Hogan’s Heroes.” I also watched a lot of Hollywood monster movies. You see kids, backContinue Reading

According to our Weird Holidays and Observances calendar, today, September 9, is Wonderful Weirdos Day. Since it’s also Friday, which we like to celebrate as Freaky Friday and/or Friday Fun whenever possible, we thought we’d have some fun sharing a few of the weirdest images we’ve come across from aContinue Reading

Happy first day of September! Time for a new Caption This contest! But first… Have you seen our newest section? It’s our Weird Holidays and Observances calendar. You might’ve seen similar calendars listing a whole bunch of bizarre, unusual, fun, wacky and strange dates. (Just about every day of theContinue Reading